Little Richard Hell

Evangelicals are people who already have a lifetime of practice willfully ignoring overwhelming evidence in order to maintain their fantastical worldview. The Big Bang? No, the Earth is 6000 years old. Global warming? A conspiracy devised by fat cat scientists. Dinosaurs? God put them here as a test.

You voted for the constant spray of sewage coming out of the White House. Now you have to sit in the smell like the rest of us.

No. Sorry. Elections have consequences, and everywhere we look we’re to be reminded of the rising ocean of diarrhea that will soon drown us all.

I recommend using some of your mental energy working on ways to advance guillotine technology. It’s been neglected for far too long, and it’s long overdue for a comeback.

1. I’ve never heard of ‘snatching a knot” in someone’s ass, so I can only assume this was a Freudian slip. Considering he’s a sexually repressed Republican, it becomes clear he just wants to get face deep into someone’s, anyone’s butthole. This sack full of vanilla pudding needs to sit down, hit Craigslist, & handle

McCain is not a maverick, and he’s not an empathic person. He’s enjoyed the benefits of his taxpayer-funded health care for years without a change of heart, and there’s no reason to believe he’ll sprout a conscience now. His death sentence doesn’t make him a decent human. Cancer doesn’t give a fuck and has taken much

the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show

This is a very Homer Simpson take. What else do you use guns for? Back scratching? Swatting mosquitoes? Turning off the lights in your home?

I’m wary of the cocaine angle because it fills me with false hope. I just don’t see how this quivering sack of toejam could be using cocaine regularly and not have his heart explode. I doubted it during the debates, and I’m sure it’s not the case now.

Too bad you’re killing me, Smalls.

I bet you go to parties repeating obnoxious clichés like , “I bet you’re fun at parties.”

Now playing

Jeez. Just read the thread. Does the author knows she sounds like Michael Scott?

+30 crying 2nd graders 

Absolutely. It’s infuriating. Nothing comes out of these press conferences except obfuscation and lies, so who gives a fuck if you get kicked out? The first journalist to stand up to them would go viral and be considered a hero. Hell, the first Republican to stand up to Trump would also probably go down in history as

It’s no small thing! Videos are the most shareable media there is. People are more likely to click a video than read an article or listen to audio. Even a video with a static image and audio isn’t going to hold people’s attention on social media.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Enjoy working yourself to the grave. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get to save enough money to enjoy ages 65-70.

I play in a dirtbag baseball league, and a pal brought his radar gun to a game recently. The best I could do was 60. Naturally, I saw the video above and thought, “61? That’s still pretty fast.”

Christ, how are the biggest pricks the most wrong ALL OF THE TIME?