Little Richard Hell

Considering how Draymond’s ejection affected last year’s NBA Finals, I think refs are more averse to T him up. They don’t want to appear to be changing the outcome of games. That’s my read anyway.

“Don’t bring up this thing that makes my favorite coach look like a hypocrite!”

While playing a soccer game as a 7-year-old, a teammate saw me cracking my knuckles and told me that doing so causes cancer. It totally fucked me up until half time when I told my dad this new theory through worried tears. The old man told me not to listen to “bullshit from morons.”

Was just in LA over the weekend. I love it, but it’s a trash city full of garbage people. People drive, walk, live, and generally behave with zero regard for their own or anyone else’s lives. I was driving downtown, and with traffic whizzing by, one pedestrian after another was standing in the street & waiting for the

I see where you’re coming from. I just expect athletes to celebrate, and I’m cool with it when they do. Back when I watched more football, I was initially irked by Sherman for essentially dancing on the 49ers’ graves & shit-talking Crabtree after the game, but after thinking about it for 5 minutes, I came to the

I don’t know if being thrown into Durant’s legs by Martin Gortat’s shitty ass can be blamed on Zaza, but technically you ain’t wrong.

Yeah. I’m softening my position here, ‘cuz it’s just too hard to know, & it’s not like Zaza hasn’t been known for the occasional dirty move.

Every team has a player who could be accused of over-celebrating. I’m sure Craig Ehlo didn’t appreciate Jordan’s celebratory flying fist pump leg kick when he sunk The Shot, but that moment is iconic as shit, and nobody from the Warriors has done anything that demonstrative.

How does one prove an act was unintentional? I guess I can make Zaza take a polygraph? Look, if the NBA agrees with you and gives Zaza a Flagrant 2 or suspends him, I’ll be happy to say I’m off base here.

I’m sure Zaza would be flattered by how graceful you consider him to be. Meanwhile, every non-Spurs stan who watched the play can tell otherwise. Sorry your favorite player is injured, but injuries are part of the game.

I’ve seen enough of Zaza to know he doesn’t have the level of coordination necessary to operate his nondominant foot during full game speed with the level of precision he’d need to do this purposefully.

One fan’s “showboating” is another fan’s “passion”. Come on. It’s basketball. Showboating is half the fun

You’re arguing that Zaza is such a nimble and graceful athlete that while covering one of the best players in the world in the heat of a furiously fast game, he knew to slide his nondominant foot right to the exact spot Leonard’s own foot was headed and all while tracking the ball and never once looking down at

You’re confusing the presumption of innocence in a court of law and a casual observer’s ability to make a judgement call that if somebody is repeatedly accused of sexually assaulting women and minors, then there’s probably something to it.  

I just assumed people were talking about the pubic hair glued to his chin.

Was just talking about this last night. I say Wormtongue.

I see what you’re getting at, but are you going to go around getting angry at the 99.9% of everyone else who uses the “OK” sign not knowing about this obscure 4chan thing? BTW, in Brazil, the “OK” sign is, in fact, more of a “fuck you” sign, so it’s probably best for people to look out where they flash it anyway.

All those words just to say you’re obsessed with dog buttholes. What’s it like spending half your day scrubbing your hands raw?

My guess is the fellas of Fox News want to vacation in Italy where they can grope women in peace without hearing it from libtards.

Please. An intentional fastball to the head is never warranted. You’re so fucking sad & stupid that not only do you buy the “unwritten rules” bullshit, you don’t even know what they are.