Little Richard Hell

Didn’t get this, either. He’s boring? Not flashy enough? But don’t be too entertaining or else you’ll be a piece of shit like Draymond, who happens to be a big time contributor of his time and money to charity, or a showoff like Curry, a once-in-a-lifetime shooter.

It’s clear you hate fun and are preoccupied with the arbitrary fashion choices children make. Bummer recipe for life, man.

If they’re having a problem finding enough Americans to watch an execution, then it sounds like all the pro-death penalty wingdings are all fake tough guys who can’t even watch what they’re clamoring for, let alone summon the nerve to carry it out themselves. What else is new?

You got torched. You should thank desertbruinz for continuing to engage, because anyone without an extreme amount of patience would’ve ignored you by now. Anyway, this here is my stop.

Pretty sure “Toxic” is one of those pop songs that’s okay for the cool kids to like. Or that’s what I tell myself anyway.

A libtard clowned them on Facebook back in 2013, so now everyone must pay.

Using your metaphor, if you go to a restaurant & they run out of the special, do you flip the tables & lose your mind over the nerve of the place or do you go “Oh, ok” and then just order something else?

These shitbags actually think the people who voted Republican did so in support of their monstrous policies when in actuality they were voting for that “rude, funny orange guy on the teevee that tells it like it is & ain’t a chick.”

Ever get a parking ticket? You have? To the electric chair with you because crimes are crimes, and you have no grasp of nuance.

Stahp. You’re embarrassing yourself.

...and zero rings. : (

Tell us more about your bad opinions on ramen, guy from Texas.

I agree! Let’s just use words however we want and let everyone figure it out. Irregardless, we should literally beg the question, proscribe all mitochondria widdershins to the hackysack, & not get too flustrated.  See? Perfectly cromulent.

I don’t really have an opinion on the royals, but I have to defend the food. Have you been to London recently? Fantastic food all over the place. Besides better Indian and Turkish food than in the States, many restaurants have given their own cuisine a real shot in the arm, e.g. Sketch, Blacklock.

These insane dickholes don’t need any reason to scream “fake news!”at any unflattering Dump story. They’d do it without Rachel Maddow, and they’ll keep on doing it even when she does the next hyped up nothing story. So, rest assured they’ll be reality deniers no matter what liberals do. Small consolation?

You clearly don’t know shit about science so keep the word out of your mouth, fool. You’re looking for a way to validate your bigotry, but science won’t help you here. You’re on your own.

Those beautiful pictures are fakes doctored by the California Tourism Board. Trust me. It’s a nightmarish hellscape over here. Oh, shit. Gotta go. Jerry Brown’s goon squad is at my door to break my knees for saying capitalism ain’t so bad. Save yourself!

Decent points, but the main reason I see not to entertain the California-should-secede talk is that California would still be next door to a country that is led by a bloated bag of shit. Dump wouldn’t go away in the event California left the US, even if it could win a war against the rest of the country (It can’t.).

California has no water. Yes. Totally true. Don’t ever come here. It’s a total wasteland. You wouldn’t like it.

Insisting people lay off Trump’s children is a really dumb argument. Do people do this?