
But they really haven't shown her be too much of a bad ass, however they have shown her trying to be some seductress who fails at it rather clumsy and laughably. It's like the show felt for some reason Ichabod needed another horrible, laughable, non-contributing factor to be a part of his history (hello Katrina 2.0)

Ok your observation or assessment of some of the females the show has cast cracked me up!

Why is it when someone has a legit criticism of Katrina it goes back to Ichabbie shippers? I'm sure the majority of reviewers out there who are saying the same things as the average viewer is not part of any Ichabbie parade. Katrina is boring, her wispery bland acting is distracting, her screen presence is horrible,

My biggest fear through this whole mess of an episode is the interview Mark Goffman had with the Huffington Post. This man does not get that Katrina is a drain on the whole series. And with that she has turned Ichabod into an indecisive, talking out of both sides of his mouth, unreliable Witness or partner to Abbie.

I actually enjoyed this episode. I loved having Kurt, Artie, Sam, Mercedes, Rachel and Blaine in New York. Each character did a great job. I'm actually looking forward to a more mature group of people. I'm excited to see where the relationship between Sam and Mercedes will lead. I think actually this episode raised