
He later came out and said that the sex was not consensual on her part. That means it wasn’t consensual period, because consent requires two people. That means, it was a rape. While sex does require consent, rape does not require a conviction to be a rape. 

I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

Just the minor-ist of nitpicks but you can join the military in the US at 17, you just need your parents to sign the waiver. I turned 18 at the tail end of basic training. Certainly memorable, but definitely not fun!

Are they going to set an age at which you may freely choose to read a thing?

I have the song the nazi band plays at the book burning in The Last Crusade running through my head. Hitler’s Dangerous Art exhibition worked out real well, why not Dangerous Books?

Jailing librarians. Let that one sink in.

could you like... invent some kind of machine that beams this message into the skulls of literally everyone

Warren has been tagged a “liar” by the GOP for a while now. Any story on Fox is accompanied by dozens to hundreds of people calling her a liar.

Yeah, he looks like a 15-year-old to me. Or he’s what you would get if you asked a computer to spit out a composite of “most attractive person.” The computer would put together all of the pieces, but the result would be something uncanny and weird rather than hot

Now there’s a look that screams “freshman philosophy major obsessed with how rational and logical he is.”

The fawning over this guy on Jez makes me feel like I’m too old for this website. It was bound to happen sometime!

Rich person falls through hole, damages luxury goods and sues. Low income customer falls through hole and breaks arm/leg: Gets saddled with medical bills and/or doesn’t receive proper care, is permanently affected but without money or resources to sue. 

HELLLL NO. My father shot my mother in a murder-suicide in 2017. This shit is why people had the audacity to say “They went together” or “They just loved each other to much” to me, and to talk about what a “wonderful husband” my father was. Those people didn’t read the police report detailing my mother’s defense

It IS domestic violence. He murdered his wife. There is no lumping-in required.

I am. It’s a toy. I am 2 months older than my truck and plan to tinker with it and drive it till I die. It’s fun and I don’t have to worry about any whippersnapper stealing it! My point is that to a lot of people, a truck is a utilitarian vehicle that does not need to have infotainment systems, heated seats and

You also have to be a minister at some church and be a Boy Scout leader not yet caught molesting boys.

Now I want a 2 hour movie about people navigating a Best Western. 

Not to be that pedantic birder, but...

i think this is apropriate