Honey Badger MizK

This was just one of my favorite shows growing up and makes me smile thinking about it. I always felt good after watching it and loved how the characters were very strong, very human, and very generous.

I had no idea that urban described anything other than something related to a city. Urban=African American has never been in my radar. I live a naive existence. As for "ghetto", I had to have a discussion with some of my students about the use of the word and ask them to stop. Of course, this was the same class in

Why am I gray? I don't want to be gray anymore. I'm pretty sure I haven't been bad.

EFF you, republicans. You still can't get it right.

I think Thor Spinner Washer says it all.

I was under the impression that there were only three films. Two of which were good. Then, there was a fourth film made, but it didn't really count, you know?

Take THAT mass transit! (This is coming from the "Great" Pacific Northwest where we've made the prospect of mass transit to be the most painful turd ever to be passed from our soggy brains. That and Tim Eyman, who should be passed out of the state.)

My first thoughts, too. The thought itself made me panic a little bit.

Me, too. Me, too.

It wasn't until your reply that my confusion cleared. I thought "nail art" was some sort of late night infomercial selling art made with nails. In particular, shooting nails with a nail gun at a canvas. I was very confused. Thank you.

Word. And, eff hazelnut chocolates. I always feel cheated.

Is it kind of like magnets? Too many positives just push each other away?

You mean bringing him in for the test for each individual woman and man to smell, right? RIGHT?!

I am on of those who illogically hate Tom Hanks. Have I met him? No. It was the movie with the volleyball. I don't think I can ever forgive him. Big, fine. Sleepless in Seattle, fine. A League of Their Own, great. It was just that damn volleyball movie. The goddamn volleyball. Maybe I really hate the volleyball.

It's the FD-fucking-A, man. They're at least 1000 light years behind the rest of the "developed nations" in, like, everything, duh. "This medicine kills people?! My good friend at Proctologist-My-Gambler says it isn't so, let's keep it. Hrum, isn't this corn syrup from Monsanto delicious?"

In some ways it reminds of of this: the camera phone.

No one, and I mean no one, every looks this smug or happy during a Bikram class. MAYBE before or after but never during.

It kind of reminds me of the images from a colonoscopy.

B-DOING B-DOING bmmmmm sssscccchhhhhhh

How, um, generous...they now make minimum wage after years of devotion. I mean, there are guys who warm benches for more. Nothing spells employee satisfaction than finally raising their wage to the legally required minimum.