
I spent 20 minutes trying to make a high score play off the word Haze last night in WWF, and it made me remember Chet Haze and think “I wonder how Chet is doing...wonder if he is still in rehab...” So I sort of feel like I somehow summoned him back into existence and I apologize.

Seriously, who the fuck is taking this junkie’s word for *anything*? He’s friends with Anthony Cumia for Christ’s sake. He’s a misogynist piece of shit. He’s been drinking heavily for so long his brain is fucking pickled. He probably can’t remember today much less the happenings of days ago. This guys is a train

Police sniper actually is a position. Some police forces use the term sharp shooter, but... In general, we’re the people they call when they need long-range firepower. Typically, I work less than a 100 yards away from where the suspects are at, perched on a room or in a room.

I was a patrolman before I applied for sniper school. As a patrolman, you meet the lowest of the low and the worst scum humanity has to offer.

Bill Cosby got the benefit of the doubt for a very long time, after many, many accusations. He’s not really the best example.

I shared this on another post, but when I was testifying on behalf of a friend who was the victim of domestic abuse the defense attorney explicitly asked if I had punched my friend myself to frame her abusive ex. Thankfully the judge shut him down, but gross people gonna gross. Her asshole ex did three months though,

The best part of “A League of Our Own” was watching the outtakes at the end, when the real old lady players still had more baseball chops than the Hollywood actresses they found to play them.

maybe my problem is that I also belong to a union (as we all should)

Ah, this photo... I know it well. I thought I left it behind when I decided I couldn’t put up with Buzzfeed any longer, but no, here it is again... The lady in the tub with the elbow that looks like her breast may not be too far behind.

Do I watch housewives!?

I will put Fart and Smunny as my name on all of my papers.


Its that giant, ugly belt! It is way too heavy to go with the delicate dress. If the waste was just lace or something, I think I'd like it. But Kanye really seems to like putting her in those belts.

Oh my god Abbi is right. 28?! Holy fuck. I didn’t realize that was the age of desperation.

Yes - I had to read that twice because I thought I was misreading “for the love of God” or “for the love of all that is good and holy” before realizing he’s just a dummy and I don’t speak idiot.

I think you just summed up her entire wardrobe.

I’m sure Kim’s dress is couture yet somehow it still looks like she picked it up at Bebe.

Considering that he has exactly zero percent odds of winning the nomination, does anyone else feel that Bernie is actively trying to fuck over the Democrats at this point?

“Counterpoint: There’s snow in the picture.”