Little Man Tate

Hehe. Oh my. Look I know the sharp pangs of wounded pride all too well, but have a shred of dignity and at least relegate history's least effectual internet ad hominem blitzkrieg to the relevant thread and WEBSITE, instead of pursuing me to the AV Club review for Jason Bourne like an utter psychopath. Then again,

I would disagree to a point and argue the Bourne-aping/influence in Craig era Bond (brisk economical pacing/shaky cam/general aesthetic) actually reached its pinnacle with QoS, after which with Skyfall and Spectre they more or less abandoned that route.

Yeah, *you* can't remember anything from the Bourne films, thus they are characteristically forgettable. Real airtight reasoning there. And odd that you cite Bond even at its worst (read: Brosnan era) having memorable elements, because I've seen all of *those* and can't remember a damn thing about them to save my

Have you ever…been in a church? No shortage of scripture, true, but It would in fact be quite odd/disconcerting to find it scrawled on the actual walls in "backwoods pedo font"…

Well, thank you for the explanation but my point was merely that the LDR title leaves amples room for speculation and doesn't really warrant comprison to the likes of "Airplane Cobras".

Nailed it…like, haven't we long-since reached a point of general collective cultural savvy, owing to the internet and stuff, whereby this sort of thing just simply does not happen? Like, I'm pretty sure the average rural midwestern grandma wouldn't even fall for this shit these days. The concept of accidentally

Your vitriol is misguided. I reveled in the delicious bluntness of your dismissal. The accusation of dilly dallying was facetious… I realize this Lemming dingleberry has gotten to you, understandably, but don't let it poison your perceptions of allies as well.

Gotcha. Anything other than open/shut "ONLY Simmons types say that" I can work with. I do think that complaint can be made legitimately, but the problem is that phrasing is too dumbly vague and reductive to mean anything on its own (hence why it's catnip to someone like Simmons) without actually articulating in detail

I'll DO it. Oh I will!

Yup, though unfortunately the distinction is entirely subjective and everyone in the world, yours truly included, feel their conception of that threshold is the correct one. Except mine really is, of course.

It's been so long since I heard the Kiss rendition of that I'm not qualified to express an opinion one way or another. Will have to re-evaluate.

I like to imagine Teflonicus reading this response, just burping once, real loudly, and, like, proceeding to fall over sideways on his hard apartment floor, but, like, without the instinctual bracing of the fall that typically transpires…just falling stiff and horizontal on his/her (his) side, and then remaining

Are you saying that Gene Simmons-level assholes frequently evoke that sentiment in defense of deplorable behavior, or that Gene Simmons-level assholes are the only ones who ever express that sentiment?

Wait—are you insinuating Not a lemming is a fucking idiot with no understanding of even basic public relations? It's a little opaque. Just say what you mean!

I'm pretty sure we are legion, actually.

Comparing the tongue-in-cheek overt specificity of 'Snakes on a Plane' to the relative vagueness of Live Die Repeat and numerous possibilities it suggests (e.g. HOW, exactly, is this man living, dying, and repeating? Some supernatural curse hokum? Crazy-advanced alien technology? Is it figurative?), eh? Whatever

Gangs of New York

It's a real bummer your retort sort of sucks, Teto (nothing personal), as this 'Adam Roger Kearley' character does seem like quite the ass nugget per a quick perusal of this comment page. Best of luck next time! (No, really)

The supposed archaic silliness of that terminology escapes me, as it seems as sensible to me now as it was in 1982, but there's also a healthy chance you're cooler than me, so hey.

Ok, then apparently I'm flat-out wrong as far as it being a name change. Though I wasn't suggesting anyone up to THIS point had confused the title as LDR—I suggested the video cover art orientation could easily lead some/many who haven't yet heard of this movie (who exist, believe it or not) to think that's the title.