Unpopular opinion: I liked RIPD. I thought it was funny. It may not have been the best movie ever! but it was entertaining. I might be easy to please when it comes to moves though.
Unpopular opinion: I liked RIPD. I thought it was funny. It may not have been the best movie ever! but it was entertaining. I might be easy to please when it comes to moves though.
Please. Woman here who is proud to work in the comic industry. Take you snobbery and go read a graphic novel because you’re severely misinformed about who should be reading comics, and at what age you should stop. Here’s a hint, it’s the same age you should give up on reading. Perhaps you’ve already done that and…
Yeah, strikes me as a pretty excellent way to spend any decade of your life.
which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
It’s a show about monsters. I didn’t get that the writer was trying to draw a parallel between monster and trans* at all. Mulder fumbled his explanation and it felt appropriate. He’s a forty something year old cis guy that watches a shit ton of porn. He’s not going to get it 100% correct but he tried. The writer…
“Move that pie to the side” is going to be my answer to every query sent my way for the rest 2016, maybe well in to 2017.
I actually really liked this first reboot episode. It’s kind of like slipping back into a well-worn shoe that you should probably throw away but that you love so much that you put it on and it just feels right.
My body was essentially toxic after giving birth because I was on a ventilator with a million IVs and God know what sedatives, antibotics, and other drugs coursing through my veins. The first day I was able to communicate I asked a nurse (I was in ICU) if I could breastfeed. She smiled and patted my arm and told me to…
I was exclusively raised on formula and somehow managed to survive childhood. Gasp!
I need these two to be married. You hear that, actors who have never met me? I NEED YOU TO BE MARRIED.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I got my little bottle of vodka that is shaped like an alien head ready, and everyone in this house knows the rules: when X-Files start, don’t bother me unless the house is on fire.
I say eff you to all the haters I am holding out hope that this will be an epic revival. I want to, nay, must believe! Ok epicight be over shooting but I will take decent and true to the show.
So excited. I know I should be more cautious so as not to be disappointed, but I just can’t.
I know, I really have to give up sooner on such things, but there is part of me that is utterly convinced that I just have to find the right turn of phrase and suddenly they’ll be like “ooooooh I get it!”
Okay, I take your non-answer to mean that you cannot support your statement that it is “clear he didn’t do it” with any evidence. That is all I was asking.
I think he should have been found not guilty, but I’m quite confident he either did it or knows exactly what transpired.
No, I’m actually the one asking and therefore 100% sure of what I’m asking, which is and has been “what evidence is there that he didn’t do it?” Which I am asking because you say “it is clear he didn’t do it” and I’m curious as to whether there’s an evidentiary basis for that belief.
Thank you. I hate hate hate this idea that enjoying food/objects/etc from another culture is now somehow racist. As if the idea of keeping AWAY from all those things isn’t way more racist. Keeping European culture pure, ammirite? So stupid. That may not be the stated goal, but it’s certainly the result. Those on the…