
As an Anglican, I'm pretty fucking angry it isn't purple. Let's put Christ back into the Advent penitential season, people.

Neither do I, because I’m a jealous piece of shit and the thought of watching my boyfriend get it on with someone else does absolutely nothing for me (besides impart a vague, seething rage.)

Did you see “Bubba Ho-Tep”? AMAZING.

I found a picture of her doctor:

He thinks that is your punishment for being ‘irresponsible’

He also seems to have a lot of time to fuck around online for someone who works so much.

But you don’t understand. ConLawHero is one of those “responsible” people without kids so he’s better and smarter and harder-working than all those losers with kids, you know?

No, I think you can hate the other person if they knew your SO was in a committed relationship and pursued anyway. Those are the worst types of people. If the other person didn’t know then maybe don’t be so pissed, but if they did - absolutely.

I’m not even *famous* outside of a couple of circles in my area and I do this. There’s public Mindymoo and private Mindymoo.

You are absolutely right about those straps. If I have a big purse, I’m going to use ALL that space, so I need straps that are strong enough to take the weight, and wide enough to be gentle on my shoulders. I mean, sure the nest of crumpled receipts will take up some room, but there will be a book, a water bottle, a

Wow, that was him? He is really good ant being creepy as fuck, apparently. I always remember him as the most frightening X-Files mutant ever.

Hutchinson is much for famous for those 2 episodes of The X-Files he did, than LOST.

I don’t like blaming victims, but I also don’t like pretending that there’s no such thing as safer behavior. I have both a son and daughter. I’d like to think that I can advise both of them, when they’re older, if they can help it, to not wander down a street drunk in their underwear at 3 AM, because it places them at

Dan Savage would vehemently condemn all of these men, most of all Josh Duggar. I haven’t listen to the Savage Lovecast yet today (literally about to), but I’m willing to bet that the starting monologue is about how these men are dickbags, not victims. He only condones adultery if your partner is extremely ill/dying or

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

Do what moms do on Facebook: fling shit at other moms.

For my 19th birthday, my parents gifted me a miniature fondue pot because I LOVE fondue. I had all these dreams of having friends over for fondue parties, which is ridiculous because the thing holds maybe 20 ounces and is kept warm by a miniature tealight. But I cannot get rid of it. I’ve had it through multiple moves

It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.

My husband and child could ignore me for hours but the minute I so much as look at my phone they suddenly need me to help them perform the most basic of functions.