
And women are supposed to be the overly dramatic, irrational ones who can't control themselves....

This. I have bipolar. I got my ass into treatment and struggle to manage it every day. Somehow, I still managed never to be a narcissistic asshole. I may have been psychotic to the point of breaking with reality and definitely had some serious delusions, but I never have behaved a egomaniacal as this guy. It isn’t

What if it is just him trying to split the Dem vote to give Trump more of a chance?

People who are mentally ill can also be assholes independent of their mental illness, add to that that mental illness doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Kanye West is BOTH mentally ill and an egomaniac asshole. Even with meds he’ll stay a narcissistic dick hole lol

Haunted by what though?

Paltrow is a literal menace, please stop giving her exposure of ANY sort...

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but Biden doesn’t get off on killing animals, especially endangered ones. For that alone, he’s worlds better than Jr.

A friend of mine was in a grocery store yesterday. Although the store asked customers to buy a maximum of 5 bottles of hand sanitizer, she observed a lovely gentleman clear the entire shelf of product. Like, dozens of bottles. When asked politely by staff not to take the last of their supply, he screamed that he was a

This happened to me and a quilting blogger I followed! I loved her quilts and seeing the progress and final projects and was excited to see when her new patterns were coming out. Once she got preggo, it was ALL ABOUT THE BABY and I DGAF about anyone’s babies.

This type of mother VASTLY overestimates how enthralling the rest of the world finds her pregnancy/parenting/baby.

It’s truly wild. I have to imagine that the majority of the disabled population - invisible, chronic illness folks included - have a much harder time getting through life than the average pregnant woman. But lord help us if we don’t roll out the red carpet every time they come a-walkin’.

Completely agree with Wendy.  Are you kidding me?  Go ahead and breast feed in public, and I understand there’s not much you can do to comfort a screaming baby.  But jesus christ, your baby’s poop germs are NOT my problem.  Entitlement at its finest. 

Meanwhile the lady in my building undergoing chemo treatments manages to walk from her car to the building just fine!

Not enough expectant mom parking?? Good lord. Get those handi spots out of my face - I’m having a baby damn it!

Exactly!! It’s like try going several decades WITHOUT getting pregnant - where’s my fucking parade? Lol 

Social media has people thinking that their every move is FUCKING FASCINATING. I follow a bunch of food/recipe accounts because, well, I like food. Two of these women became pregnant and recently gave birth. The food accounts were suddenly taken over by eleventy billion “bump” photos and LONG ASS screeds detailing

Implying Beyonce is not right 110% of the time will get you banished to the grays around here.

OMG I forgot that she did. She even had a kid too.

Tell your mom even Karla Homolka got married again.

Yeah, seriously.