
And also, guest, you wanna do blow and hookers? Get on your damn phone and find them yourself, lazy-ass punk. While I do not recommend doing either, I find expecting a hotel employee to hook him up the entitlement insult on top of the injury.

I’m so sorry he did that to you and so sorry those horrible people attacked you. Stay strong.

Great reporting on Athletically talented rapists

Dave Chapelle has no idea what insurance costs in the private market for those working part time jobs with no benefits.  No clue at all.  Which makes this even more obscene (IMO). 

I am a football fan and I am sick to death of sports fans dismissing the horrible things their heroes have done because the athlete is good.

From the Daily Beast article. point was the overall culture of the Bezos-owned businesses is not one that is employee friendly. This comes from the top..even if he is not involved in day to day doings, there is consistent devaluing and lack of support of the people who work for him.

Maybe true but generally too soon = never. Because if she waited, the response would have been “why are you bringing this up now? It’s not even relevant anymore” or “He’s dead and gone. Why bring up the past?”

She wasn’t covering the story as a journalist. She tweeted out a link. She provided no additional commentary. Additionally, the Washington Post has said she didn’t violate their policy.

The bigger issue is that she got death threats and abusive tweets for it.

What do you think she should have done, given the restrictions that the Post had saddled her with? She’s a politics reporter; WaPo wasn’t going to let her cover this in an article. (As stated, they argued she shouldn’t even be tweeting about it because “it didn’t pertain to her coverage area.”) She had been

Huh? So would you rather we wait for the glowing, half-true obituaries to peter out before we present a more accurate portrait of the deceased to be brought up? The article she posted is vital context to understanding the full picture of who Kobe was as a man. It is also a fair and non-inflammatory way to push back on

This whole thing bugs me a bit. I get that Kobe is dead and that sucks and he is a big basket ball player and blah blah. I don’t think we can avoid feeling the lingering suspicion that comes with accusations such as this being settled out of court.

Death threats, for the offense of reminding people of their bald hypocrisy when it came to idolizing Bryant.

I’d have an easier time with this rationale if the main criteria for “forgiveness” in instances like these weren’t just “well, he didn’t rape anyone else in the last 15 years,” so we can’t really consider that one rape part of his character or legacy. It’s like men get freebie rapes as long as they promise to be good

that last paragraph made me want to get out of bed and lead a slow clap. This bull shit about decency is just to browbeat people into silence Bc some with all of their fanboy brains can’t manage to deal with the fact that he rather egregiously fucked up 

Yes! If someone is empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for Vanessa Bryant or her kids to have Kobe’s rape trial rehashed right now ... surely they’re also empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for any sexual assault victims (but especially Kobe’s!) to read these fawning posts that

“His effect on every male and female sport was and can be felt.”

“Too soon” means “never”.

At least this will teach the idiot to read what he fucking signs from now on.