The NBA has no shortage of heels. We have, in no particular order:
The NBA has no shortage of heels. We have, in no particular order:
If you had to play with a full season with Andrew Wiggins and see his talentless ass get paid more than you, you’d become a spiteful asshole too. This is EXACTLY what happened to Jimmy Butler.
Embiid is quickly becoming a “heel.” I’m more than happy with this. The NBA needs a good “heel.” It makes the game more entertaining.
As a Chicagoland native who lives in California, I have no dog in this fight, so I can say with some confidence that rooting for Philadelphia teams is far, far less obnoxious than rooting for Boston teams.
You dress for the warm weather and just deal with the cold on the way to the airport.
A backpack is useful at every destination, holds your laptop, and won’t be checked at the gate when the overhead bins fill up. Mine always has my tech stuff (adapters, cables, batteries, etc.), my Kindle with a fresh charge and batch of books, and a snack up front. More crucially, I pack some clothes and my dopp kit…
I wonder if the jury went beyond, “Monsanto! Boo!” during their deliberations. Evidence doesn’t matter when you can punish an evil corporation.
Coming from a cold climate, I periodically travel to much warmer climates. Unless it’s below zero (F), a light jacket (and maybe a hat) is just fine and easily stowed during the trip. No point in hauling a giant winter coat and gloves for the 20 minutes that I might be outside. I also have some North Face convertible…
If you’ve ever actually ridden London escalators for the Tube, you’ll realize that the left walking lane is often open even when huge volumes of people are waiting for the escalator. Because most people choose to wait & stand. That’s why the capacity goes up.
And? If my wife and I stay at a hotel for a week, the housekeeper wants $140 if they think $10/person-day is the math.
I had a convo with my wife last week.
Give it some time and a trendy blog will make it a thing. Going to have to start shelling out a $1 a day for my office trash to be emptied.
A basic clean (the term for a guest coming back) is 10-15 min max.
the assumption is that if you do not work for tips you make millions.
Please do all my work for me except making the bed and leave me an extremely generous tip for doing nothing.
Definitely don’t leave an expensive sex toy wrapped up in that pile of sheets or you’ll have to talk to management, who will then go into another room and ask the staff if they found said item, in which case you will hear shrieks of laughter and tittering in Spanish, and then the manager will return with the expensive…
I think this is the most that can and should be reasonably expected of a hotel patron. And flushing the toilet -- wtf.
Unless they have a huge cleaning fee standard. Then I’m not cleaning up.
I fall somewhere in the middle, mostly because I don’t want to live like a slob. Garbage goes in trash cans, spills get wiped up and things go back in their place. But I don’t strip the bed or pile up all the towels.
Lolwut? $10/day/person?! So for a week long trip, a small family (or group of friends) could tip a few hundred dollars?