I don’t know if it’s her style or just the way things went that night, but her delivery wasn’t the most smooth. She was freaking hilarious though. Her set may have been a little more mean spirited than usual for this type of event, but it was funny.
I don’t know if it’s her style or just the way things went that night, but her delivery wasn’t the most smooth. She was freaking hilarious though. Her set may have been a little more mean spirited than usual for this type of event, but it was funny.
Owning the libs by being a triggered snowflake.
The president didn’t just show up. The president got in on the roast and poked back, mostly lightheartedly. W had some decent jokes on occasion. Obama showed off an ability to be really genuinely funny and pretty solid comedic timing. He effing killed it at his last one. I can’t imagine trump even attempting it…
Because they know it’s true that the only useful information on their tv station is Anthony Bourdain telling us where to eat noodles?
It was funny, and the crowd squirmed because line about secret abortions for the side piece hit too close to home. (The don’t knock it til you’ve tried it part was a bit much, but it was in line with the rest of her set.)
Michelle’s response to someone else was pretty funny:
How one feels after being exposed to air pollution and cigarettes is a pretty good comparison. After a couple days in Beijing, I woke up feeling like I’d spent the past 24 hours sitting a a smoky bar with no ventilation and a pack of unfiltered Camels. Same with visiting Kona, Hawaii when the volcano was going off.
That and people laughing excessively to make sure the others around them know that they got the joke (they didn’t) are why I tend to put off going to see these types of movies for a few days.
A lot of folks in group 2 believe that they are not poor, but temporarily downtrodden multimillionaires. They follow along with group 1 because they want to keep everything they have once they finally make it big. They will never make it big.
Depends on how the kids get along and how greedy they are. I’ve seen all sorts of scenarios. Maybe one sibling buys out the other, or leases, or does some sort of lease to own based off each year’s profit. If the money is t needed right away, you could make yearly payments without dealing with banks and interest.…
Not necessarily. I knew a guy who got crushed by the estate tax back when it was $5 million or whatever. Yeah they had a few tractors and a couple combines (none of it new), but the land is what hammered him. He had a couple thousand acres adjacent to the hottest new sprawling suburbia. The value the land was assessed…
That, like most of the retire early info you see out there is really good advice for an 18-20 year old. Sadly, most of the people looking for ways to retire are burned out workers in their 30s and 40s who have already missed the boat.
It is fascinating to see a system like that operating over a large area. I always really liked the Oklahoma Mesonet (www.mesonet.org )as an example for what can be done with a network of weather stations. It’s probably the best thing to come out of Oklahoma, ever. The data that they can display in real time, and the…
I’m aware of the microclimates and how variable it can be from one gulch to the next or at just a few hundred feet difference in elevation. Realistically, the data used for for the reports I found (in a 5 min google search) and the reports themselves are probably outdated. With all the extreme variation in the islands…
New compounds are pretty rigorously tested for years before they are registered by the EU or EPA. They legally have to be registered before they can be sold and used in the field. Those tests include looking at how the compounds breakdown in nature and their effects on all sorts of non target species (birds, fish,…
Good call, just be sure to double check that list with what is appropriate for your location. “Native wildflowers” from one part of the country can be a hugely invasive pain in the ass elsewhere.
This is highly suspect. All the local news reports were calling it 27-28 inches, which would still be a 500 year storm event for that location! The 49 inch in 24 hour value is higher than the probable maximum precipitation (Theoretical greatest depth of precipitation for a specific location and duration) for Kauai.…
A little caffeine is probably less harmful that sugar, especially if she’s at risk for gestational diabetes.
Almost everything. There are times when you need to break out the coconut oil though.
I must have good luck. I’ve seen more non quack chiropractors than quacks. I’ve actually had a medical doctor prescribe a massage and suggest I see a chiropractor for some minor back issues I was dealing with. It was a doctor I trusted, and I went to the chirp she recommended.