
Nope, fuck your slideshow. Did not read.

You buy one of these to show that you can, while still having a comfortable and easy to drive car to go back and forth to your office in. The more extreme sports cars are very compromised in thier day-to-day livability. If you just cared about driving and wanted a sportscar Porsche you would buy a Cayman and save


It’s Canada. They asked politely and said please, so the driver really had no other option.

I talked to Rory on the phone for an hour two weeks ago. I told him about all of you. He knows your SSN, mother’s maiden name, town you were born in, your SO’s favorite ice cream. Do not fuck with him.


Move the office, or, hire remote workers. A bunch of millenials in New York city that are completely disconnected from the automotive world. NYC is not a haven for enthusiasts. Also, hire Steph and Kristen back with salaries they can actually live on.

Welcome.  Please use your influence to fix the current Kinja mess.  Also keep things weird here.

I think you’re framing this irresponsibly. It’s more like he got the job, was like hey something’s up, talked to the correct authorities and got the company to fix it, and now that it’s obviously awkward he’s going to go get a new job. 

It’s the Soviet weather machine turning up the temperature anomaly to literally 11 (or maybe 12). See area inside the fuchsia circle below:

I don’t know how to tell you this, but the people of Asheville don’t do anything quickly. Adding more power won’t enhance their life. If you’re in a hurry to get from your micro-brewery job to hang with your friends at the drum circle, you’re missing the point.

Audis are very reliable.

These are a crack pipe at free. Hell, its still a bad deal if the seller offered to give you $2k to take it away. You cant work on them yourself (unless youre a masochist) and they break every time you even think about driving it. Worst car Audi has made in the past.....lifetime. Stay away. Far far away.

That was a good, well researched story.  Thanks

Yeah but couldn’t you specifically just force choke them until you got the price you want?

That “make an appointment” thing has actually worked out well for me. The salesperson has set aside time for me and has a couple of versions of the car I spoke to them over the phone about ready to go.  Nothing fancy either, I was working a couple hours away and my wife’s Saturn was on it’s last legs and she really,

lol Jalop covers this saga endlessly for months, then writes almost a blurb about it at the climax that focuses on one off color remark without paying attention to any of the rest.

I wanted Ghosn to call out those who wronged him, and I wanted him to implicate everyone from Shinzō Abe down.

I take it you’ve never been stuck with a Versa as your rental car.

What are you talking about???? He named SPECIFICALLY the three people, including the Nissan-Governmental Affairs guy, that had him whacked.