I considered leaving your dumb ass in the grays but I figured why not let the rest of the thread look upon your stupidity as an example of what they can expect from you low information Bernie stans.
I considered leaving your dumb ass in the grays but I figured why not let the rest of the thread look upon your stupidity as an example of what they can expect from you low information Bernie stans.
Let’s distill this down a bit: Understandbly, black Americans have long-standing trust issues with the government and the politics said government lives in. To say we’ve been let down more than once is an understatement. We’ve had entire government policies and programs built specifically to exclude us, built…
I knew the comment section was going to be all fired up. Y’all did not disappoint. I am a black woman from DC, I’ve been living in Vermont for the past 18 years. When I first moved here I was excited about the idea of a progressive socialist working in Vermont government. That excitement didn’t last long. Bernie is a…
For some black voters, the rabid toxicity of inflexible white liberals is the one thing that repels them from joining the great aluminum-free deodorant mass movement.
Oh, I read it but, like most things I’ve read from the Intercept, there is a serious lack of any sort of corroboration or source materials that support their claims or conclusions. Got anything else?
Biden is leading in popular vote though by over a million people. Bernie would still lose. Rallies and twitter does not equal votes. If they want a revolution, they have to vote and put down the snake emojis.
There were plenty of “radical” white Sanders supporters on the Kinja sites four years ago blaming black voters who supposedly didn’t know what was good for them for Hillary defeating Bernie.
I literally just called out some lady who declared that she won't vote Democrat if Bernie doesn't get the primary. Flat out told her that childish bullshit like that is how we got Orange Foolius in the first place.
The nerve of Mayor ( look at my Black wife vote fof me!) Di Blasio .
There is plenty of primary left and more than enough time for Sanders and his supporters to dig into the part of the electorate that continues to elude him, instead of chastising and being condescending
That is the reason Russia is backing him. Get his sheep riled up, then when he loses, again because they can’t be assed to actually vote, they get to be the victims yet again. And a small minority will vote for Trump to stick it to the man, and another small group will vote because ‘those people’ stole Bernie’s crown.
Bernie strikes me as the opposite side of the same trump coin - little more than a cult of personality with a rabid fan base with whom you cannot reason.
This piece deserves a ten minute standing ovation. I mean that Bernie interview last night was peak dude bros. Now to all you so called woke black folks ripping us “establishment low information stuck on the plantation black voters” I have some questions: After hearing Vermont Jesus last night say “Jim Clyburn and I…
This feels so gawdamn good to read as a Black Woman. Cause Im OVER these White ppl he Non Black or White Folks, plus the actual Capin A__Negroes. Who keep playing Johnny Cochran for these White Folks
The racing form is full of facts(statistics), thats a far cry from where most of most “Bernie bro’s” read.
You act as if black people aren’t aware that, in 30 years, your boy hasn’t written a single piece of successful legislation. In three decades, what has Sanders ever achieved? What has he ever done that improved the lives of black people?
Nope, you are right.
"The videotape of Sammy’s altercation with Tami has been a consistent dark cloud over Sammy’s head throughout the IA process and his custody battle."
I get this coming from Sammy. He's a good guy so of course this bothers him. But at some point you gotta wonder what his motivation really is. Does he still love her? She…
Hey, if Sammy hadn't been such a whiny little bitch and destroyed the tape, none of this would have been necessary I don't care how guilty he feels, that tape should have been kindling weeks ago. Sherman's a douche for sure, but when people on tv feel the need to unburden their souls, at the expensive of anyone…