
If you read it all in the manic voice of Niles Crane, it becomes a lot funnier.

I didn’t see nuffin my whole life. DER was no racism, DER is no race. Woke woke wokity woke woke woke. 

Mandatory hair length too...

Never understood the appeal of this stalker creep motherfucker, whole show makes my skin crawl. 

Nothing more manly than being afraid and fronting it out in the most embarrassing way possible 

your poor feelings 

And discord called the police right? ... Oh. 

The depressing thing is if it was just the abuse of women he'd probably be back on our screens by now, the only reason he's impossible to touch is his cannibalism fantasies, although even that will fade and he can make films in France with the Pedophiles and rapists exiles club. 

Who is this aimed at? People with un-mortgaged property? 

Those poor cops maybe we should let them kill some people to feel better

1899 was a fun puzzle show but kinda glad it got canned. Not to spoil anything but I imagine the second series would just be the first with different puzzle boxes and some new characters only to have a twist at the end much in the same way which makes almost all the characterisation of the characters and mysteries

The two biggest indicators that people can’t cook and have no taste - thinking any caramelisation of any kind is “burnt” and thinking rare is “raw” and they will die. Not long till you find out they don’t season their food in case the salt makes it too spicy. 

My friend’s behaviour is fine because they are my friend has always puzzled me. How far do they have to go before being a friend is cancelled by being a ****

While I appreciate the original post was a trash take, the idea that physical work doesn't require mental effort just shows that you've never done any physical work

Why is a school board questioning a child directly? Absolute madness

you sound like a cunt

I think there’s a misconception about them, that it has anything to do with women. If a VS model turned up at their house with an offer of sex and Cheetos they would still hate them with a burning rage. These fuckers are cry baby extremists and I’d hazard they float across groups - Nazis, homophobes, whatever. It’s

More dangerous than the lucky dip of legal decisions made by people who get put into it by dint of someone dying ? 

All my, M 35, male friends from school that are single have - never done any work on themselves, don't do any activities where they would meet women, have male oriented jobs, impossibly high beauty standards, express no feelings especially joy in things, people, ideas, places, no domestic skills, exhaustively moan

How... How do you do security at an event where nutters can turn up with assault weapons ?