
I wonder if Nate killed Wes, or maybe Nate found Wes' body and started the fire, not knowing Laurel was there? What did Nate see when he went into Annalise's house? I'm not sure what Bonnie told Frank, that's probably another fake out.

Why didn't Evy just go to the principal and tell him what happened. She doesn't need Mateo to defend her, this isn't the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table.

Perfect, I love the analogy of the big R and the little r.

I disagree. I think most people are only a breath away from making the wrong choice. One of the black women got involved with a man who was shady, but realized he had to change. He however died before that happened, she became depressed and turned to drugs. The other woman got involved with someone who got into…

I thought it sucked. They need to get rid of Katrina. Why, oh why is she still there?

I don't know what was more shocking, Abel eating his own leg (and I bet it tasted like chicken) or Hannibal and Alana in bed. To me, both of them were disgusting on different levels. Didn't Alana say Hannibal was her teacher, and then she hooks up with him? I bet she wouldn't tell a patient to do that.

I agree with this statement; if I had my way, I'd swim every day instead of once a week.

For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss Hannibal's feet or something. He was like, "OMG, you're the Ripper…must worship."