
This is the year I get allergy shots. This baby vacates my body in July, so before next cedar season I'm on the allergy shot train. I cannot wait.

My first thought was that its improve the chance of the court overturning the terrible abortion law here in Texas. I'm not good at sympathy, apparently.

I had one with a super loud bird and a dog that drank water so fast he vomited it up, every single time he drank water. Then she’d refill the water bowl and he’d usually do ok the second time. Then she moved out when I was gone for thanksgiving and stuck me with her half of the rent/utilities. I ended up taking her to

I’m in Texas and I’m calling this “the year without a winter” because I’m pretty sure we've had less than a week total of cold days.

Just a reminder, Ted Cruz welcomed the support of a noted crazy person and anti-Semite who is looking forward to 2/3 of the Jews being exterminated and the rest converted at sword point as part of their happy apocalypse dream. Fuck Ted Cruz.

Also, as a side note, the women at that school routinely wear big-ass hair bows and full beauty pageant makeup to class. Like an episode of toddlers and tiaras interrupted math class. I have a distinct memory of a lit prof from my home state saying, but do you know why they wear the bows? Can you explain it to me?

I’m not from Texas but I went to A&M and I’m telling you, none of this surprises me. I had a (black) classmate offer to help me carry a large box once and I got seriously dirty looks from the other black students as we walked, like I was oppressing him. That's when I realized that I hadn't seen interracial socializing

There's a park here with peacocks and one of them walked up and stole the peanut butter sandwich out of my 5 year olds hand. She was so confused, then she was angry. I had to stop her from trying to chase it down and tackling it.

I wish there was a list people like us could get on for these things. The people who get these don’t really need them (granted, no one *needs* a 15 day waking tour of Japan) but I wish the baskets were donated to normals.

Right? I was like, damn. Someone has been on their squat game lately.

Yeah, this is my biggest issue with this situation. What the hell is wrong with people??

I have children with online cookie order capabilities who would be happy to provide you with cookies....

Yeah. This. I mean, we drink—I’ve seen some real damage happen at Passover and at the Yom Kippur break the fast meals and the less said about Purim drinking the better—but it’s not really the first thing you’d think of. I find it’s far more common for another Jew to invite me to food than for drinks.

Where I live, we all accept Jewish standard time as a real thing. Shabbat services are scheduled for 7pm but never start before 7:10. Other parents refer to it when we schedule events. Even my kids say it, when we’re running late. “Are we Jewish late or really late?” But again, I’ve never heard a non-Jew say it.

I had mirena, two of them back to back over the course of 8 years before we started to get pregnant and it was the best thing I've ever done. I never got a period, I never had any weird symptoms or side effects. A bit crampy the day it was inserted but well worth it.

Right?? This is why everyone is terrible and we should all reconsider the many benefits of homeschooling. Jesus fucking Christ.

The problem with Arsenal is they always try to walk it in.

Right? All I could think was, “good god, what is WRONG with Carly?!”

On the other hand, my ex was found guilty of child abuse by CPS. He’s from money. He hired a hotshot criminal lawyer and a handful of “expert” witnesses and then a civil attorney who sued the department and the investigator specifically. They administratively overturned and closed his guilty verdict and never

Hiya, fellow high-risk pregnancy lady! Hang in there.