
I know a couple that only has a joint email account, except for his work email. I hate them.

Right? Like...I can’t imagine 10 million dollars in my life. I sure as hell can’t imagine 10 million on my finger.

Meh. It’s nine months. It matters to him but if I’d refused he would have been ok with it, too. I just figured, I can suck it up for 9 months so he can have a biological offspring, especially considering that I already have that from the first marriage. But it's definitely not something I'd have done if he already had

I don’t know. I have terrible, terrible, Kim K level awful pregnancies. After the first I knew what I was in for. I want this child, I wanted another child, but if my current husband had biological children of his own we’d have been talking foster care or adoption because I hate this shit. I consider this pregnancy a

I have a lot of sympathy for her—my ex punishes the kids for calling their stepmom anything but mom, she introduces herself as mom to people, result: people often think I'm the nanny—but suck it up and have some dignity. Your relationship with your kids is not defined by their experiences with your ex and whatever

Margaret of Anjou was a piece of work, all right. Would totally watch.

They’re baffled by it but not upset about it. Sometimes they’ll perch on it when it’s on the charger and I’ll start it with the remote and they’ll be all, “wtf?!” but they roll with it pretty well. Our biggest issue is the roomba’s ongoing desire to get into the cat tree. No, roomba. You stay on the floor. If I can

I see your three cats and two dogs and raise you five cats, two dogs, and a rabbit. In relared news, we got a roomba for Christmas and it’s changed my life.

People often forget how much an impact money has on justice.

As someone whose ex uses the kids as a way to continue to harass and control me, I envy you the ability to raise your kids alone. My fondest hope used to be that he’d move out of state, till he wanted to move and take them and it cost me 22k to keep them here. Now I just hope he dies. Every day, I hope he'll die.

Honey, no.

I super appreciate my ob’s chill attitude towards most things. And his open handed policy regarding morning sickness meds.

Hey, my ob said as long as the meat was fresh, I could have cold cuts. :)

Have those people sat in an elementary school cafeteria lately? So many kids just eat part of their meal and toss the rest. The new meal guidelines aren't starving the kids, I promise.

Today I learned that I need a cheese pantry.

Gah! I was going to name the new kid Eleanor. I don't want my kid to share her name with a ton of kids in her class. Dammit.

I'm giving my brothers in law the same present. They're both starting to cook so they're both getting crock pots and crock pot cookbooks. I think it's reasonable.

My ex and I took our oldest to the last Harry Potter book release party when she was a baby. Then he remarried one of those crazy type Christians and now they're banned from reading them at his house. Or at mine, on pain of punishment. The youngest was Hermione this year for Halloween but they told her dad that she

This is the most emotionally satisifying video I've ever seen. Seriously. It is so rare to see justice done in these situations.