Little Enos Burdette

Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.

How dare you, sir?

Making fun of burn victims is such no-brow humor.

Serves him right for wearing an Acetony Romo jersey

And ... you just gave the poor guy another burn.

a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns

Man, that’s a lot of manpower and weaponry.

Because people care about my opinions, obviously.

I don’t buy it. Some dickface in the grays told me a few months ago that there can’t be racism anymore because we had a black president. So, there.

Good for J.T. It’s about time some right wingers started protesting.

He should play for the Marlins, if he wants to be alone.

Right, sure, Jaso retires and is going to sail away RIGHT AFTER Phish announce their 2018 Caribbean tour

I can’t believe they’re on track for another undefeated 15-1 regular season.

Hard to believe the Panthers are undefeated at 3-1.

it looks like their home stadium has been taken over been Eagles fans

A Facebook “friend” of mine just posted a picture of himself with an American flag in the style of his favorite team (which sucks). He’s also a huge “respect the flag” guy. So I asked him about it, and of course he had a very reasonable response. Oh wait, he just called me a libtard and deleted me.

Please. It’s plain as day they were saying “BOO-ALTIMORE.”

But will they be stupid tomorrow?

The dumbest portion being...most of them?

It was never about the anthem.