Little Enos Burdette

You don’t have to. Again, ALL ‘Hootie’ songs SUCK!

The Dolphins are like watching an old lady try to save her lap dog from running into traffic and subsequently getting creamed by a semi. This team is a graveyard.

I saw a person with a Dolphins logo tattoo once. It was one of the most pathetic things I have ever witnessed.

Here’s a hint: Trubs sucks.

I feel like somebody should figure out whether “Ryan Tannehill was a WR” or “Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard” gets mentioned more.

I’ve lived in Orlando most of my life. There’s definitely an inferiority complex among the people here, even the more recent arrivals.

Now playing

I’ll admit it’s a more charming interaction with the cheerleaders than what San Diego fans got:

He looks like he has to solve a hard math problem...

Yeah, I meant to say Tampa Bay area but fucked up. I never lived in Tampa proper but lived in Clearwater and Dunedin (a beautiful city by the way if it was anywhere else). Local businesses will say Bay Area when talking about their locations and junk but it isn’t used a ton and is obviously the lesser known Bay Area

Thank you for this.

Not a single thing in my life ever made me happier than leaving the Bay Area. I still have to visit there a few times a year because my sister and her kids are there and because of that my parents bought a condo there. However, the visit is much better now that I get to fly home to a place that is not full or drunk,

I lived in Tampa for a year then moved back to Detroit.

Am I terrible for hoping the beard has a heart attack and dies?

No matter how many times I hear it when they say “Dirk Koetter” on TV I always hear “Turd Cutter”

Tampa and the Bucs are like any mid-tier American city and franchise, capable of inducing rage or joy depending on how you pick your spots. Is Tampa racist? Yes, because it is in America. But it leans left, has good museums, good concerts, decent theater, a pretty fun party district and excellent food. There are great

My favorite Winston stat is that he has the same number of turnovers as Josh Freeman but less touchdowns

Tampa (the city) is basically a slightly better version of Jacksonville.

Or, if you’d like: It’s a mash-up of Orlando and Miami, without any of the glitz, glamor, or the top-line attractions.

These toolbags.

Kid, get out of the way.
