Little Enos Burdette

1982? No way. You are already an adult in 2000. A millennial is someone that is in the process of growing up during Y2K. 1990 is the cutoff.

Doublestuf Oreos are an abomination. The original has the perfect ratio of cookie to cream. It’s just science. Doublestuf was introduced in what, the mid-90's? Nothing from that time is any good. Clinton impeachment? Frosted tips? Women’s shoulder pads? NOTHING.

ugh, the worst people on Earth. I can’t tell you how many times I have been behind someone that talks to their friend the whole fucking time they are in line, only to reach the counter and contemplate what to have. It’s usually some attractive girl who has spent 10 minutes telling her friend how she’s taking a year

People who get to the front of the line and still don’t know what they want can go to hell. It’s a fast food place, they only serve but a couple different items. There are massive, brightly-colored menus, with pictures! That you can look at while you are in line.

Falcon McFalconface will be traded at the deadline for Pigeon McPigeonface and Edwin Jackson.

I believe him. His batting average shows he’s not hitting anything.

I agree with the logo. I’m a sucker for the use of negative space, and the V is pretty sharp. Reminds me of the Whalers logo, which is the greatest logo in the history of human civilization.

Me hate them.


“Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

Disgusting that the Bears would treat a team owner like this.

Now playing

All of those nut shots are classic and horrific in their own way, but I just saw this one from a Korean MMA fight the other day, and it’s just brutal:

The best joke about that was that Buckner was so despondent after that error that he threw himself in front of a bus.

They also berated Mike Milbury. They may be young, but they’ve learned quickly.

Nashville has shown itself to be a true hockey town filled with real fans, because they booed the living shit out of Bettman last night, as is proper and right.

After what we just saw from Crosby I’m really excited that in just two weeks we’ll all get the chance to pretend that McDavid was the most valuable player in the league this year.

Have you tried plain or flavoured crisps (okay, U.S. potato chips) in a sandwich?

French fries on a sandwich are delicious. Don’t even bother replying if you disagree, ‘cause you’re wrong.

all the bandwagon Lakers fans moved in and carried with their noxious stench.