Little Enos Burdette

Losing sucks, I know. Throw your tantrum and then we can talk about all the missed too many men penalties.

Haha it’s funny because you’re accusing someone you’ve never met of having a small penis! Hahah!

Oh Jesus Christ. You got enough help. Jerk my dick.

Or the phantom slashing call in the first period.

I guess you missed the too many men on the ice call they missed in OT.

Yeah, they actually get called for too many men on the ice. Apparently not Ottawa, they can have up to 8 people on the ice and not get called!

He also had the unparalleled luxury of playing with Dan McGwire.

And he was rewarded with Rick Mirer.

He was Defensive Player of the Year on a 2 win team. A 2 FUCKING WIN TEAM. That’s how damn good he was.

Joey is the likable heel of baseball, ala The Rock from the early 2000s.

The jokes on Votto. That Indians fan was never thin.

“Never heard of him.” - Self-proclaimed “12"

Just out of camera range, Joey Porter and Darrius Heyward-Bey are engaged in a fierce debate at the four-square court over the proper application of the “no babies” rule.

That blind backhander by Sid, tho...

Im pretty liberal and have dropped “faggot” from my vocab after using it as an insult against every living breathing thing I ever got pissed at through out my teens. Mostly because I would feel terrible if anyone who was gay over heard me and was hurt by it like any non piece of shit human would be. Butttt this is a

Somebody needs to put Bryan Cox and Joey Porter on the same staff together. I’d pay more for webcasts of their meetings than I would to go to a game.

I’m actually kind of a wizards fan (from Pittsburgh, live in DC, no former NBA loyalties) and I still say fuck ‘em.

To answer the title, no.

Look man, he plays in Bigs...he may be an asshole, but he’s not even in the top 200 types of MLB asshole.