
I love that people are getting so enraged over this because you already paid for the game. I paid for a movie ticket, yet they show plenty of commercials before the movie starts. Many of you are paying for Xbox Live and they have advertisements on there too.

Just wait till they find out they can put up advertisements and commercials during game installs (if that hasn't happened yet)

As long as it's not obnoxious/in your face ads I don't have a problem. Also it has to depend on the game. I don't care if there's an advertisement in GH, Tony Hawk, or any sports game as that wouldn't bother me or take away from the game. It would ruin the immersive feel if it was placed in an RPG or something.

I think most are assuming the 14 unannounced games are things we haven't heard about. I don't think that's the case. The "unannounced" part refers to the fact that tehy weren't listed as being playable at TGS. That doesn't mean there are 14 brand new games we never knew existed. To me that means there's just a bunch

It looks great, almost reminds me of the work from Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki.

Why are people getting so upset over seeing MGS4 on the list? It was just released a few months ago. Why wouldn't it be playable at the show? That doesn't mean they're going to make a big deal about it. It just means it'll be at their booth to play. Stop reading so much into that.

It is one of the nicest looking RPG's I've seen. I can't wait to try it out.

Wow, if you think about it, this is a huge showing for Sony. I mean if the games listed are pretty impressive, but there's going to be 14 more?? Including the possibility of a Team Ico game? It's going to be hard to top that.

Way of the Samurai 3?

Awww is the casual developer jealous of the casual console? Just bring your games to the Wii and I guarantee you'll be singing a different tune when it starts printing your ass some money.

Hasn't he learned anything from other developers who overhype their games only to under deliver?

Who wants to guess how many times I've done a facepalm over this movie?

Awesome. I can't wait for LittleBigPortal levels either. You just know that'll happen.