
Let's get some Zone of Enders love Kojima, how about it?

I'm not surprised it's outselling the PS3. I'm surprised it didn't sell more. Like seriously, I was expecting Wii type numbers after the price drop. Now it looks like the price drop barely did anything for them aside from a 2-4 week boost. It seems like it may go down to about 6,000 or so in a few weeks which is crazy

Analyzing a teaser trailer? Come on now. That's the same sort of shit that happens at engadget/gizmodo whenever Apple has a keynot. "let's analyze Steve jobs second for second". Let's not bring that sort of pseudo hype bullshit to Kotaku and Halo. The franchise has enough hype to begin with to start analyzing a teaser

I hate the idea of retroactive trophies. I'm not even a fan of trophies/achievements to begin with, but to me the only joy I see in them is being able to accomplish something....when I accomplish it. What joy is it to download a patch and then have a bunch of trophies for stuff you weren't trying to accomplish? It

Definitely wishful thinking, but I'm sure there are going to be certain notable members who everyone recognizes for their levels. I think they'd have to churn out tons of them to get to that level though. Perhaps it'd make them think about going into this industry if they didn't think they could before.

When CliffyB said he wanted to fill each character archetype did he mean he wanted to make them as Cliched as all fuck and follow in Hollywood's footsteps? Because that's what it sounds like. I haven't played the first game, but in those snippets, those are some cliched character portrayals and the acting isn't so

This is doomed to be bad. Brash = Trash

Damn you weren't kidding when you said screenshot explosion Fahey. The game looks pretty nice, though a bit hectic in many of the screens. Nice and colorful too.