
It's not that hard to look up information for it folks.

It looks like they're already hirign people to work on a Guitar Hero game. This was posted on FreestyleGame's Job section:

I'm surprised Sony didn't pick them up considering the games they've developed for have all been on the Playstation platform (Buzz! and B-boy)

Oh, I just want to say I was a huge fan of Kenshin and I wished they made more games featuring that anime :(

I just found this hilarious Tootsie Roll spoof using the over 9000 meme:

How many times are they going to release the same damn game with the same story? Seriously I can't tell any of the DBZ games apart

So the PC/360 was the beta for PS3 owners? That's kind of sad. Atari should have fixed this shit before they released the damn game. It honestly makes me not want to support this game, despite it being fine on the system I own. Ugh...

Once developers start realizing the PSP is the PS2 reborn it'll start picking up. The PS2 will die off eventually and not every dev will want to do next gen games exclusively. Since the PSP is pretty much capable of handling PS2 type games, I think it will be a turning point for the system going forward. Of course the

Gizmodo sucks, err Gizmondo..Yeah that's what I meant to say :D

Please make Dead Rising 2, so I can get it for the PS3 :D