
Nice article Luke, until you said Hellboy was shitty. The movies (both I and II) were great. The second being superior to the first. See it!

I have 4 friends in Canada who bought a Wii, then eventually bought a 360 after. I think that happens often since the Wii and its library won't satisfy most gamers 100%

Still DNC....It didn't say RNC and I ddin't notice till after the jump. Something I quickly noticed when I scrolled up and saw the picture.

Sony completely dropped the ball with PSN cards. They should have been there from the start. Or at leastt a year in.


So is Microsoft going to do the same at the Republican convention? Wouldn't seem like more of an agenda if they didn't, considering they're trying to get people to register to vote through their 360. Even if they're not forcing people to vote democrat, showing that they are favoring one side more than the other can

Damn, imagine what Monster Hunter would have done for PS3 sales over there? It's too bad really.

Guillermo is probbaly my fav. director out right now so I'm so happy to see he has great gaming tastes as well! He's quite the visionary as you can tell from his movies.

It's like they're all zombies and the booth babes are their prey. BOOF BABES, NOM NOM NOM.