
Thinking about it, 15 hours is actually pretty long. But it also depends on how they are counting those 15 hours. If that's the sum of doing all the missions then perhaps it is as big as they stated in the past.

15 hours? I remember reading one time that the DLC was going to be as big as the GTA 3 expansions. I'm sure it won't be anything minor though. Either an extension of the story, or playing through the story of another character. I imagine it'll be at least $15

Can't wait to see more info on the Sidekick LX: Microsoft 360 edition.

Along with LBP, I honestly think this is a huge casual winner.

I can't believe how many of you are fixated on graphics. You peopelc all yourself gamers? I guarantee most here dismissing this game because of graphics have never touched a SOCOM game, or only spent a few minutes with one. Try logging 200 hours into SOCOM 2 and you'll forget about graphics.

Here's what intern Jim Reilly had to say about the graphics:

What a contrast to previous SOCOM: Confrontation posts where most people said the game looked gorgeous What gives? Granted these screens don't seem to do the game justice at all compared to the previous ones. I'll still be picking it up though since SOCOM has always been about the addictive gameplay rather than being

I wonder how many people are going to buy this thinking it's a new Halo FPS. Many people don't follow news like we do, and even with the screenshots on the back, I'm sure some will "blindly" buy it thinking it is a new FPS.

Unlike some of you, I don't really see this as them ripping of XMB at all. It looks closer to their Media Center interface more than anything. I mean you have the tabs on the left, which lead to different options in the center. That's just like Media Center.

Much nicer than blades to me, but still not sexy enough for my tastes. Nothing particularly wrong with it, but I kind of like my interfaces to look "cutting edge". I think XMB has that sort of sexy futuristic look. But when it boils down to it, as long as navigation is fine and it works, the aesthetics will take a