
Very nice review Crecente. I haven't seen that things hated since this new review format started. It's unfortunate really since the game was a long time in the making. I wonder if it would have benefitted from having an extra year or two of development? Some of those cons would still be present, but at least the

It did remind me of Uncharted too. The local that is. Just because Tomb Raider came out before Uncharted doesn't mean it can't rip something off from them. That's illogical thinking. When Tomb Raider had it's renaissance a few years back, it did so by ripping off some of the gameplay mechanics that made Prince of

This video exceeded my impressions. I'm actually interested in getting this game now. Perhaps not the best game visually, but it looks pretty fun and Barcelona is a cool city to drive around in.

People who are supporting this are looking at it completely wrong. It's not the fact that it's optional for us to purchase or not, it's the way Namco/Bandai sees its customers.

DLC killed the videogame star

Luke I think you just had a seizure! Which means they still haven't fixed the problem. Or perhaps that trailer was just all kinds of awesome. Anyways I hope this means the release is nearing

Don't be surprised if one day we see:

Wow, shame on Namco for even considering this. Ugh