

When will Starcraft: Ghost be done?

Usually you watch the anime and then buy the game. Well this game is going to make me watch the show. The game looks amazing, and I simply have to get it. But I don't want to buy it and have no clue what the story is about. So, I'm going to watch the anime show. I've heard great things about it.

fnd t cmcl tht ths rtcl smngly cmprs vrythng t Hl s f t's th gldn stndrd. D y hv lt f xprnc wth FPS's mnd? Lk tsd f Hl?

What made Haze a Halo clone again?

Here's my trailer:

Microsoft didn't put time and money into this technology to only release it on a limited edition controller. Luke, and everyone else here is looking at it the wrong way. The technology isn't limited to this controller, this is just the FIRST sighting of it, and that happens to be a limited edition controller.