
@AssuntaPabsy: Seems a bit more safe than just saving them on one spinning disk inside a portable shell that can be dropped, spilled on, destroyed, stolen etc...

@MegaShark: Yeah! All manly men are the same. Nothing that a REAL man could ever like is on I mean, I looked at their gift guide. They had fake men things like liquor, a big-screen T.V., an iPad case...

Okay, so I may have slightly defended the T.S.A.'s procedures on this site earlier. I mean, we all submit to some form of searching when we buy a ticket, right? But this is way too much. Taking people's clothes off (for all to see no less) is a severe violation. If you can strip search a 9 year old boy IN PUBLIC, what

@spider2544: While I agree that these scanners are pretty invasive, you have to remember that when you sign up to fly, you are signing up for these types of searches. They aren't a secret by any stretch of the imagination. There are other ways of travel that do not have invasive searches. If someone doesn't feel

@G99: That's kind of the point though, isn't it? They were hungry, tired of hiding, and forced to wear the horcrux. Frankly, I think it would have been kind of a lie about friendship if they had managed to stay chipper and friendly the whole time. And it made for the scene of Ron returning that much more meaningful,

I always liked the idea of a zombie apocalypse because killing masses of zombies would be "guilt-less" killing. The idea of killing actual living people in war is frankly, not something I think I would enjoy. But mowing down hoards of once-dead-now-living "people" would be almost fun.

@AqueousBeef: Woah there, slow your roll there Aqueous. This is a free country. If they want to sell shit to people, that's cool. As long as the FDA says that it isn't inherently dangerous to eat (i.e. poisonous), then why shouldn't they be able to sell it? I get that the toy is directly aimed at children, but hey, it

@SenorMoofer: I assume you are referring to the fact that closest stars we can see (other than the Sun) are a little more than 4 light years away, and thus the intervening distance must be "empty"?

@Stymie99: I did a little more research for you. Turns out there are 5 states (including D.C.) with a ban on "Distracted/Negligent Driving". That data can be found on the website below.

@Stymie99: Yup. (Unless you are in New Hampshire).

@Stymie99: Are you suggesting that we ban 1) make-up application 2) fast food 3) small children from cars and 4) attractive (fe)males from the sidewalks?

I've never been a huge fan of these "doomsday for _______" articles. We get it, sales are declining. But to try and extrapolate the future of what has become a staple in today's world from data gathered at the tail end of a huge economic recession is just not wise.

@Josh Breese: Categories are supposed to be dumbed down. If you get too specific, you end up with hundreds of different "categories", which defeats the purpose. Science-Fiction combines fiction with science (obviously). Whether creating a whole new world ("Empire", "Star Trek") with advanced technology or just

@Andinator: Elements are not uniformly distributed throughout the universe

@boyracer: Right, and that is what the whole movie is trying to illustrate. We accept these strange actions (jumping to the arctic, terrible shots, children not aging) because it is a movie, and that we also do with our dreams. We don't question the oddities of a dream because it is simply a dream, and we don't