This app is also available for Android. So, add the link and stop focusing on Apple all the time
This app is also available for Android. So, add the link and stop focusing on Apple all the time
He’s not a gamer, he’s just posturing because he’s trying to pretend he’s a game developer. He’s exactly the kind of asshole who has to act like he’s a big shot all the time with the best of everything that I love to see fall on his face and I’ll be laughing my ass off when his shit game sets a new record for failure.
No, I won’t throw that argument at you. I have a simpler one:
So it’s now Outlook’s problem that they didn’t update? The only thing I see that isn’t compatible are Outlook invites.
This is web-based Outlook. Please, put in a little more effort.
I don’t care what age/gender/ethnicity the person is, he comes in with this:
When I saw that all the letters on all the tiny buttons on the new iOS 9 keyboard were set to lowercase by default, my eyes almost fell out of their sockets and were like this close to smear sliding down my iPhone’s screen and splatting on the ground. That lowercase keyboard just looks wrong.
Good lord are some of you never happy.
Why did you post the wrong video?
“it just works” /s
“but but max and linux has no malwares" /s
This app is a shameless knockoff of Frameless ( Whoever made Browsy just took the source code and called it a new app.
a Taiwanese establishment called Jimmy’s Bakery.
Few people realize that Wednesday Addams was masterfully portrayed by Mark Hamill’s right hand.
This idea that Android phones don’t work, where are you getting your information? I know more people who’s batteries in their iPhone’s die or they shatter instantly on the smallest drop or brick because of a bloated UI or anything number of things. Now do Android phones suffer from design and UI issues? Of course, but…
“The best Android features that are now on iPhone”
Like honestly its not the fact that you prefer iPhone over Android but it’s really annoying to hear everyone pretend that these features are something new. I bet the iPhone 6S will have a back button and everyone will lose their marbles over it.
Apple should be paying them $100 a year to make their browser more desirable. Are there coders unions?
I don’t want to be THAT GUY but those graphics could only be possible in 16 bit in consoles or pc with a 32bit processor...
That’s the landscape from Mario 3, not the original game... *pushes up glasses, adjusts pocket protector*
What's weirder is that the company that constantly complains about everyone copying them, is quite happy to copy everyone else.