
Holy shit Evan doesn’t need you to protect him. Seriously take a step back and calm down before your stress levels kill you.

This is so meta... being critical of people being critical of a criticism. Lets go deeper!

And he’s being really critical of a story he hasn’t even finished. Generally, there’s nothing wrong with criticizing certain elements of a game before you’re done, but the plot itself? No, you need to go ahead and finish the game before trying to criticize the writers about what they should or shouldn’t have done at

There are also three male characters that get kidnapped. Funny thing though, all the men who get taken end up doing nothing about it. Did you forget about how Barbara, despite being taken, still manages to sneak evidence to Batman? Or how Catwomen is fighting for her escape? And Poison Ivy knew she didn’t have to

You’re gonna look kind of stupid with this article once you’ve beaten the game.

Even Bruce Timm played around with Barbara dying.

Like I said above, I haven’t finished playing Arkham Knight yet.

Well, you know... if you had waited until you finished playing the main story to write this article... you wouldn’t have written this article.

To be fair, Kinglsey is part Indian. After all, his birth name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji.

People aren’t supporting it because it has a Confederate flag in it. They are supporting it because the game got F’d over by Apple.

Well what about Jim from The Office?

Looks like Steam refunds send a loud and clear message. Could it be that gamers now have a louder voice, or will this just deter PC game development?

There’s a basic conceptual flaw in making a show all character development when every single character is a wafer thin cultural stereotype.

Shitty, bumbling narrative, followed by a huge “keep watching” scene every episode.

I fully reject the notion that the ONLY way to ever depict rape in art is with subtlety. What exactly about rape is subtle in the first place? Do you not see the intense irony when you say a depiction of rape in art is distasteful to you? The SUBJECT is distasteful. You aren’t reviewing the material, you’re reviewing

Did anyone actually watch Fury Road? I mean in the story Immortan Joe trusts Furiosa more than anyone. She did not get that trust being the person she was in teh movie. At some point she WAS his lap dog. This is the orgin story about her redeption with these young girls and how she went from being who she was then, to

I was expecting people to be mad about Furiosa probably being a very bad person until the start of the first movie. I mean she is respected, and perhaps feared, in a facist regime. I don’t know how this comic could be told without the rape though. That was obviously going to be the only dynamic between Bowser and the

Mad Max: Fury Road is a brilliant, miraculous action movie—and part of that is because it’s not really about Max, instead spotlighting Charlize Theron’s excellent Imperator Furiosa.

Bought it and read it the day it came out. I didn’t think it was that bad. I’m not sure what you expected the wives to do before Furiousa gave them an opportunity to escape. Women are not allowed to disagree or argue with each other in the new Mad Max universe without it becoming a misogyny issue?