
You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

Just another reminder that if you’re a girl YOU (your safety, your health, your well-being, your sanity, your sense of worth) don’t matter.

need their father in their lives

I keep typing out responses and deleting them, but what is there to say? My heart breaks for that little girl.

Much better that a girl should be forced to live a man who raped her repeatedly than that boys should have to be sad because their father wasn’t allowed to repeatedly rape their sister with no consequences.

Can you turn her microphone off please?

Suing Perez Hilton out of existence would just add to her list of humanitarian achievements!

Taking down Perez Hilton, a known cockroach, makes her the hero we need.


This is not the alt-right, this is the culmination of well over 30 years of legitimized racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance, science denying political philosophy and world view. This is establishment Republicanism in its most transparent and shameful and disgusting form. This is what they created and

According to prosecutors, Fogle traveled to New York to have sex with two women girls under 18-years-old

Seriously? The person requesting we don’t wish rape on someone as a punishment is the person trolling? Fuck you.

Oh, fuck you. You think I’m a troll because wishing anal rape on somebody is triggering to someone who has been anally raped? Dude. Fuck off.

fuck dude, can i read comments on this site without people wishing rape on others. jesus.

Thank you for reminding us of what’s really going on here: that anti-vaxxers would rather risk their child’s life than take the chance of them ‘becoming’ autistic.

Ugh. “It’s a book about a woman who wants to be left alone.”

Yep. It’s ableist bullshit, what they’re doing. There’s a huge backlash against these anti-vax shit-for-brains assholes vanguarded by people on the spectrum.

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it

Yeah. We’re crazy but that doesn’t mean we’re evil.

This isn’t about Americans being sexually repressed prudes. This is about his fundamental disrespect of his wife (maybe monogamy isn’t for everyone, but then they shouldn’t make a vow to be monogamous) and child- he had his fucking kid in his sexting pictures!