
I was just talking to my officemate about that — you never heard anything bad about the guy. I know he had his personal demons, but he seemed to genuinely be a good person.

Geez Louise! Like a bored little rich kid wandering a mansion with nothing to do.

Cat peoples! The guy I’m seeing adopted a cat a month ago and she scratches him like crazy. She was a stray until December and she was pregnant when the shelter found her. She’s a year old. But she scares me a lot.

My three and a half year old son absolutely loves this show, so it’s on constant rotation with Paw Patrol. Yeah, my wife and I can’t figure it out, either.

I didn’t really do anything at all this weekend, aw me. Every day I slept in and had coffee and worked out and read and drank vodka. Alone, which is fine (it's fine!) but very antisocial, I think. And now I feel a little remorseful that I didn't do anything with people.

Duckling is in Washington DC this long weekend with her high school band. Today she went to Arlington and the Smithsonian. Tomorrow is the Holocaust Memorial Museum and a concert on the Capitol lawn. Kinda wish I went with her, but...

Now playing

Any list of great villain deaths is incomplete without this: