
Unfortunately, this was the last year of the XK generation that started in ‘97, so it’s got the same wretched interior. Even the X-type had a far better steering wheel. And, yeah, those aluminum pedals are original.


I'd explain it to you, but it takes just too damn long to text on this rotary phone.

Just a reminder that UK Police would rather sit on the internet looking for people posting spicy memes or speeding videos than doing useful things like addressing knife crime and the like.  

Exactly. At some point, this generation born after 9/11/2001 will want to know if the War on Terror is another “war without end” like the War on Poverty (since 1964), War on Crime (1964), and War on Drugs (1971, still enforced but name change during BHO admin).

I tend to agree, I dont think any of the terror “organizations” warrant invading and occupying countries for, and that included afghanistan in 2001. (never mind iraq in 2003) I continue to believe that the “war” on terror is bullshit, and it really requires better police work, not the military. having said that, to

@lithy, I get the point, and I am not in any way endorsing these mostly pointless and almost always endless wars our presidents (all of them) have signed us up for. I do think american blood could (should?) be shed to prevent genocide. Whether it’s in Bosnia, Rwanda, or “Kurdistan”. all of those instances i could see

I’m curious, which combination of enemies presents a credible adversary for the US military?

The Kurds aren’t allies. They’re a money pit. 

The people here are too simple-minded to remember that part of what got Obama elected after Bush was the promise to do just what Trump has; end these needless, rewardless wars.

Please explain to this old Libertarian why young American blood should be spilled for this cause.

Why would one need to rest when driving only 300-400 miles?

He should be in prison over helping a friend score pills? Skaggs was an adult who made his own decisions, and obviously this was hardly his first rodeo with opiates. According to this account the fatal dose was likely not even obtained through this guy.

Can we math before we panic?

In my mind I’d rather have to over-load a vehicle 1% of year then to under-load a vehicle 99% of the year. This guy gets it.

a bumper wench

I’m glad it’s not just me. 

The S2000 is my favorite car for under 10k from the late 80s to early 90s as well.