
“The other day I met this guy named Carl. Now, I might forget that name, but he was wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt. What’s a band like the Grateful Dead? Phish. Where do fish live? The ocean. What else lives in the ocean? Coral. Hello, Co-arl.” —Phil Dunphy

Michiganders are all, “where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

Not to disagree with your whole post, because I generally don’t, but the ‘No Fly List’ is extrajudicial bullshit. Guilty without charge or trial or even knowledge that you are on the list. A blanket blacklist without review from a court should not be the basis for stripping constitutional rights.

Fortunately, there are better groups than the NRA for defending 2A rights. Being the ACLU for guns is not the NRAs strong suit. When the ‘common sense gun control’ crowd starts to talk 2A repeal, then I will take them seriously. Until then, recent court precedent is on the side of fewer restrictions on ownership.

The family cabin of course, but he would have to watch out for live-ins.

Pretty sure the crash PROMPTED rather than PROMOTED the username...

I want to know how you barked the tires (plural) on a rear-drive three-wheeler.

Handling was an issue at 170 you say? Isn’t it a Challenger? Handling is always an issue.

How does a Jalopnik article about vacuums and cars not at least slide in a 2J reference? I am disappoint.

Wide, flat street and a shoulder if not a full blown parking lane across the intersection. I will never understand why people just think “Welp! This is where is it stopped so this is where I’m stuck!”

Some words seem to be missing in the first paragraph of this article. It doesn’t make sense as written.

The long term problem seems to be that these mandated MPG increases have been demanded at the same time as increased mandatory safety minimums and market driven power increases. Automakers are currently on a treadmill with regard to fuel economy.

Yerp! Worked past due auto loan collections for a while, also currently in year 3 of 4 in a municipal government seat.

Dear soft meatbags, please remain in your hard metal box until you are absolutely sure that nothing is still moving (and even then, wait another 15 minutes).

And his last name is Fenster, which seems to be the exact surname a thousand screenwriters have wracked their brain but failed to come up with for that one ‘Well, actually’, pushes glasses back up nose, movie trope, capital N nerd. The guy that outwits the principal that mutters “Fenster!” under his breath at the

I will fully admit first that it has helped that my now wife and I have always made similar incomes BUT, in my opinion dividing financial expenses for two people in a long term relationship who are living together for more than a couple years (even if not married) and sharing expenses beyond just rent and utilities is

From the front I’m getting a serious older Fiat 124 Spider vibe.

...and I don’t hate it.

I know the guy is a little hard up for cash since he has to maintain (at least) 3 Jags, but maybe he can spring for a PDR shop to take the dent out of the E-Type’s nose.

Dangerously close to goatse.

No wonder Lando bashed the radar dish. Not used to right hand hyperdrive.