
Sunday traffic in the ‘burgh is a ton of people from the ‘burbs thinking it will be fun to go ‘dahntahn’ (which they never actually say) to skate around a tree or meander down sidewalks in the strip or whatever mass attraction is seasonably fashionable.  

Then they get to a stretch of road that simultaneously has a

Oh, it is weird. That isn’t to say it isn’t also a bit cool, it is, but it is definitely weird. Just imagine your new neighbor comes over, says hello, and you ask him what he’s into and he tells you he has over 100 vintage car seats in his attic. You can honestly say your first thought would be “Cool!”, rather than

Brother-in-law lived in an apartment in Baltimore above a bail bonds place and just off the corner from a liquor store that had EVERYTHING behind he counter and bulletproof glass in front of the cashier, so obviously a nice place. As a student at Johns Hopkins he didn’t drive much, so one day he went to go find his

Why does anyone want a Ghibli anyway? At least he wants an interesting color combo.

Or, since already doing illegal things. Just steal someone else’s real plate. That will draw far less attention than pizza box plates or faked temp tags. Although with automated plate readers this might be getting less true if the tag is quickly reported stolen.

I keep waiting for people to say what they really mean, that society at large has the better interests of all children over the parents of those children. Just go ahead and make them all wards of the state to be emancipated as a voting citizen upon their 18th birthday.

There is already a comment further down

The very nature of your post seems to admit that most people should be able to save at least a small amount of money $1k-$5k as a permanent emergency fund. Although calling people who are apparently broke if their next paycheck doesn’t show up ‘millionaires’ (even if that paycheck is 7 figures) seems a little dumb.

It happens somewhere approaching “all the time” in the restaurant industry. Some people are good and wait until they can place all of their employees (or as many as is reasonable) others simply lock the doors one day and never return. My post was more to illustrate that you should never trust someone else with your

Well, this is my memory from probably 15 years ago minimum, so I guess inflation finally caught up with Monster Jam just like the rest of the world. I mean, Coke was a nickel for like 80 years, so I thought maybe 5 dollar kid seats could have the same permanence.  

Sounds like he paid them up until he didn’t want to anymore. Not sure what the guy owes anyone more than that. I guess he could have given them two weeks notice, but guess what, those same people who apparently have ‘bills to pay’ but no emergency fund wouldn’t be any better off with the extra two weeks notice.


As long as they leave Ben Affleck behind this time, I don’t care how much money it costs.

Whenever the someone says “monster truck” the next thing into my head is “Kids seats STILL just fiiive bucks!” 

The article only said that this potential lessee had “good credit” which really doesn’t tell us enough but if I had to guess, the fact that it doesn’t say excellent/bullet-proof means we might not be dealing with a 800+ score, maybe 700-750. In that case 6% isn’t horrible.

Uhhhh, I don’t want to be too big of a dick, but I seriously hope that Tom thought he was ‘dumbing’ things down to talk about loans for the proles and the quality of his advice is usually better than this because there is some stupid stuff in here. 

That duck floaty (if that is even what it is meant to be) would look more at home in a Dali painting...

I don’t necessarily disagree that it is only a matter of a different set of skills, I do all my own work on my cars as well, although they are 03 and 06 model years. You are absolutely correct that the wealth of info and how-to videos of the internet age greatly help the home mechanic.

The thing I like about old cars are the flaws, the idiosyncrasies that make every make or model different. Humans may strive for perfection but since we often fall short, what we actually engage with on an individual level with ‘things’ are the little details that aren’t quite right. Think Fonzie smacking the jukebox

lol wtf is this shit? Work for one week to pay your monthly mortgage? $20/week for unlimited data, stop for a burger or pizza, but no option to bring lunch from home, false choices left and right, why do I have two kids and a mortgage to start? Why am I a full time Uber driver that only drives 6 hours some days and

Remember when California thought that the reason Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles hadn’t become mainstream was because of a lack of infrastructure? So they mandated a certain number of refueling stations be built?