
Not exactly. You can run into shadow bugs at higher resolutions depending on how the shadow map system was generated.

Smoking cigarettes to get a buff...

Important thing about Tidus:

As a sim racer it just feels insulting from what I can see in the trailers.

Like, Eddy Burback did a video on them a few months ago and like...

Not that much of a surprise honestly. But I am happy for the Xbox players.

Use the power of Xbox to help save Uhorzea!~~

I’m going to stop you right there chief.

I do not. Have. Money. And i do not like my car being treated like a phone

Also while we’re at it, can we just talk about Puriteens and them constantly coming into adult spaces and expecting them to NEVER talk about NSFW stuff?

It was mostly folks younger than me. I’m literally older than most folks who are vtubers, and I’ve been doing it for 4 years. Young folks were doing it JUST as much. Stop being just as awful as the folks you’re thinking are the main problem.

I would like another kart racer available on steam actually...

It’s great. It fills in other parts of the game that aren’t really fleshed out.  Things that would be in like the play and other media

The problem I have with this is it seems to be designed around getting kids to use their store over other stores, bribing them with free games and missing out on what features other stores actually provide.

Because we actually have need to use a lot of those functions. As do developers. A “clean ui” does not mean it’s a “useful ui”, nor does a cluttered one, but Steam’s UI is valuable in what it provides.

I mean... it is. There isn’t like a single doubt of it that it is.

... I hate this take so much

Also Guilded is so much better but so underused :(

That’s a community issue, not a forum one. There are plenty of forums I’ve been on that have had a LOT of helpful info.

Not really an unintended consequence if it’s completely within the control of people with brains.