
If i had money to give, i’d be giving it to the people defending their home. 

Bloodborne was perfect.

I’m super happy for her :3 She deserves it

I personally think co-op should be mandatory in every game, but not required (perceived or otherwise) by the player.

Speaking to potential, he’s not trying to sell you on them. He’s doing the ONE REASONABLE APPROACH:

“There could be something there if you actually look”

It’s the technical concept. It IS interesting. The problem, and the reason a lot of people have been up in arms about NFTs, is not just simply because “NFTs are bad”,

So can we get more of the awesomely cool stuff being done in VRChat? Like the person making a racing sim in it? Or the guy doing mechs? Or the fact that they’ve created a platform agnostic way to do eye/face tracking even for DESKTOP users?

Or how about the kickass RWBY world (even if that series has problems) or the

You mean the thing that is repeated throughout the article... repeatedly?

I personally blame this on the fact that, for the 3rd game in a row, they tried to get rid of proper squads in a SQUAD. BASED. GAME.

I personally think some of us know exactly how much they make and personally think some of ya’ll intentionally ignore how much we should be pushing the actual developers to make more money

You can buy stuff like this for your room already, just FYI....


... making adjustments to a drawing is a lot harder than you think.

So, the issue is here they are complaining about an existing style. Let me put it to perspective:

This is wonderful and amazing.

Okay, clearly you have never been to New York. The side at the end is what we call a “barrier” used to prevent you from falling off a bridge. The “dirty snow” early on is what’s called “off the road” and where the road no longer is.

Okay, clearly you have never been to New York. The side at the end is what we call a “barrier” used to prevent you from falling off a bridge. The “dirty snow” early on is what’s called “off the road” and where the road no longer is.

This is an example that, yes, basically video games are just held together with duct tape and the tears of dreamers.

Here, lemme break it down:
- No long distance billboard trees (meaning areas that are typically covered in lush trees are just brown.)
- some pokemon IK seems to be reduced down to a frequency that is silly. (Eg: watch flying pokemon that flap their wings as the same speed as the IK reduction)

It better have VR.

I’d like to point out that last line. Most of the hate this game got was because they were used to filler. Everything you experience has a point, it gives you options, varied areas for different pokemon with enough space to break away if you need to get out of a tough battle.