

Honestly, the one thing I would’ve liked is maybe a little more on the “UNSC” side of things. Like... a bigger push on interacting with them. Side quests with them. Kinda thing. Why?

Because that ending would’ve hit like 80x harder.

... Did we play the same game?


Yeah but Yoshida apologizes for more than most japanese folk.

That’s not how the world works annnn-yyyy mooooorrrre. It hasn’t since about Two Thousand and One Four. We live in a world where games are undersold due to marketplace manipulation & the Apple Iphone Store~

Remember when Android Pay came out and then a bunch of cell companies cucked it? This person remembers...

Isn’t the point of the battlepasses on Halo that you can do them... whenever...?

Also do you like working for a company that’s kinda toxic?

I think they meant Take Two...

Reading all of your comments, you have a weird worldview.

... I think you just don’t understand how relationships work if you were confused by this one.

Simulators are video games. That’s the just of it. But gamers do play simulators, and they cry just as much about it.

The thing is they only do this on 2 cars out of like nearly 90 on the service. It’s not that odd. And frankly, it’s unfortunate, but people are really REALLY too pissed off at this for it to make any amount of actual sense.

Oh shut up. You’re discussing breaking it’s TOS and hacking the game. That’s ban worthy to begin with.

Eh.. gonna be blunt here. There’s a moment where stockholm syndrome and trauma doesn’t exactly... well... help you make good decisions.

Yeah I disagree on this.

I quite enjoyed it. Yeah I was a little confused but I did this thing called “looking up what happened in Halo 5" and it was pretty simple.

I’m... actually kinda disappointed. 

To be fair, games like Squad that “murkiness” is intentional. 

This is also a fact. I do not understand why game websites will point that out and not realize that they’re also trying to optimize the game for PS4 players & for the massive amount of players with custom outfits running around...