The real question is does it matter if we know?
The real question is does it matter if we know?
Then where do you redeem it? In the “fuck you you fucked up 14 years ago so let that follow you the rest of your life”
As someone who just turned 30 recently, I can tell you I’m still realizing shit I did just a year ago. And 2 years ago. And hell 5 years ago. Hell, sometimes even like the day prior and then I go and apologize and look for it in the future and if it’s some sort of subconscious thing I do I try to rewrite it if it I…
Then I’m going to be a misogynist now. Doesn’t matter since I’m already a misandrist.
Already been seeing some cool stuffl ike this with VR. So... not unique...
There is an irony to this coming out quite literally 2 days after not only 1 dream like that, but 2.
Me talking to my therapist: I honestly think i just manipulate people into pitying me.
I disagree. The reason is because, ultimately, a paying customer that is pissed off is far more important than a non-paying customer that is pissed off.
Terr doesn’t have to end with rist.
Speaking of Glickenhaus, anyone else laugh them off of social media yet?
Gonna be honest, I’m still playing cause even despite the P2W I was still winning like 50%+ of my rounds at minimum (based on Gardevoir stats)
I’m pretty sure the only issue here was the racism and antisemitism.
So from what I’ve read basically everyone in acting from 20 years ago is a piece of shit. Including Lucy Liu because she decided the best way to stand up for feminism was to call him a cocksucker.
Going to be honest, guy owns up to it.
Well, that’s due to how they handle credit and debit cards. You have to apply for a debit card the same way you do a credit card and it’s apparently even harder to get a debit card.
As they stated earlier:
An irony is I use to use the same LaughingMan avatar... (even got it animated for some accounts at one point)
Ah yes, they removed suicide from a game.
I will be honest: At least THIS article rightfully brought up that he’s Rubberninja. The PC Gamer one didn’t even bother with that.