Honestly I’m okay with that. It’s something I’ve actually begged iracing to do, if possible, for their bigger special events.
Honestly I’m okay with that. It’s something I’ve actually begged iracing to do, if possible, for their bigger special events.
They literally said non-binary tho.
I like the new UI.
Oddly a trait of ADHD...
Honestly they can still do fairly well if they just optimize for CPU and use forward rendering instead of deferred...
... So just wait for the next WearOS from Google is the real answer.
... So just wait for the next WearOS from Google is the real answer.
Comment where I clearly didn’t read the article but wanted to commend you for speaking out about whatever it is you’re talking about, but wondering why we haven’t focused on another game by another developer in some time. Ultimately, I feel my genres of choice are underrepresented. Also I am typing this on my lunch…
Not gonna lie, I agree. I’ve liked the class system. I liked it in BF2, and I especially like “limited kits”, eg: One medic or 2 medic squads.
The difference was when Starfield was announced it was expected to be multi platform vs the other games being specifically started and paid for by Sony from the very beginning (See: Bloodborne) and even then Sony has been releasing quite a few of those games on PC to still allow folks outside of PS to play them.
The irony is this is the only game my friends and I were looking forward to being multiplayer.
Avengers? Honestly different SP stories sounded awesome. Not really needed to be MP.
Lets just do some recent mainline ones that are simple.
All things considered... that’s pretty cheap.
As a gamer I personally hate gamers.
To be honest though, they have done this to me with a large soda. which is the same price.
Anyone else just disappointed it’s not 2142?
Yes. Simulators are Niche. Flight Sim got lucky with Covid. If it wasn’t for Covid or streamers, no. It’s niche. Compared to your Apex Legends or other games?
Simulators are 100% niche.
Probably because, ultimately, it cannot run at 4k/60
The one game i wanted to be multiplayer isn’t.