And to add: Would you not think that the group of folks that “like to subvert expectation” would not also subvert the use of achievements to mess with you?
And to add: Would you not think that the group of folks that “like to subvert expectation” would not also subvert the use of achievements to mess with you?
I had a really nice long essay about this but I give up. Here’s my summary:
I can do one better.
I feel bad for every other Oculus user (Rift S/Quest 1).
Really tired of the oculus stuff not gonna lie. Especially since facebook’s original plan (allegedly) was to basically monopolize VR by way of buying out Unity and forcing everyone to go through them for VR.... :|
See, Epic vs Apple I can’t get behind.
I’m all for cameras, tbh. Just do cameras.
I’m going to side on the err of “I’ll give him a chance.”
They are literally blowing their money so you are on their store once a week.
“That this is just a big (VERY BIG) investment into growing the store and userbase rapidly.”
I just want a game that properly... AND I MEAN PROPERLY - scales for having a co-op only session.
So is it okay for me to still be more into the 2Booty since it delivered a deep engaging story with actual character attached to the booty?
Actual dynamic reflections usually require some sort of “refresh rate” to prevent FPS loss. Simple as that.
Remember when folks were getting mocked over enjoying the 2Booty and then we found out the game was incredibly deep and engaging and a bit heart wrenching because her character was, despite all of the gameplay phrasing of “emotion is forbidden” she was showing emotion since the very opening lines of the game?
Also sorry for the ADHD vomit here. I just get excited about talking about background stuff regarding it. There’s a LOT of drama in iRacing. Some of it worthwhile to know about. Some of it... not really.
iRacing and NASCAR have a partnership. Mind that Dale Jr. was an avid player of NR2003, which that company went bankrupt but the developers and much of their staff as well as some mod teams from NR2003 (Brian Simpson, Project Wildfire) were then hired on after a lawsuit about reverse engineering the NR2003 code that…
I mean the dude was out of his car on a dirt track which is not exactly the easiest place to control a car that mostly only turns left on throttle....
Yeah gonna be honest here: You have not paid any attention to recent events. Did... did you think that NASCAR just pulled an NFL?
They’ve been pretty damn supportive of actually focusing on fixing that shit. They banned the confederate flag. They suspended (for a significant period) a man who said a racial slur and had…
I mean, internet should now be considered a human right, frankly, considering it’s a major communication platform required for people to do things...
I sometimes ask this when something is working when it shouldn’t...