
The game itself was fun, but I couldn’t handle the amount of racism in it. Legion is... well, a less racist fun game. 

I had a fun little scenario play out. I failed to recruit an Albion guard, but found out they had a sister. So I recruited her instead, then took her to her sister, and KICKED HER ASS.....

Like.. its right there you if you scroll down.

Cool story bro.

However, this argument only really works if you actually consider corporations to be a person itself, at which point, I can still enjoy the game and hate the company itself since i can enjoy the work of those who were abused in the mean time.

Also, this information is still on Kotaku’s main page if you

I mean, compelling is entirely of the viewer. To me, Jacob and Evie were much more compelling due to their realistic bickering. Plus, Jacob derails a train in like the first 5 minutes. :|

It was less buggy than unity. It was still buggy. Still the best game in the series, imo.


Also if you don’t exactly want your car connected to the internet of things and stuff... :| 

I mean so far i’ve found that the FBI found that one of the big riots of the summer was started by right wingers shooting at a police precinct and another guy was arrested with plans to kill Biden. :/ 

Did anyone else read this in abridged alucard’s voice?

This makes me absolutely happy. I love her voice. Please, someone... tell her she’s amazing... and I personally love randomly singing that song during random slow times in games. Just cause... yeah. (Doesn’t hurt that MGS is one of my favorite series and, well, where my name comes from)

One also needs to realize this:

We are voting to bring our system further left. Not to bring it Left, but to bring it from the insanity that is the right wing extreme (Which we NEED to start calling them because by all worldwide standards, THEY ARE. Like, the irony here is that our “left wing” in America is, at its

Was there ever an article here about Lefty? 

Going to be blunt and to remind anyone here what this is saying.
We are NOT mocking people doing what they do, be it extra-marital or whatever with consent or not, but the fact that she’s a complete hypocrite about it is the problem. 

I personally love the style of the PS5 and itll look great next to my actual gaming pc where i can play all my xbox games anyway... :/

And now for the post where I explain why that is. This is spoiler territory. I wrote a lot, because, frankly, I love this game and think it did an amazing job portraying things like PTSD in a way that has not been properly done in a story, i think:

You really didn’t seem to understand the story then. It was incredibly detailed.

So... it looks like XIV..... :|

Actually... YES you do have the right to that!

Basically from what i heard yes, but with the added benefits of manuals and stuff that were helpful in later games.