
Nah. I look at it more from the side of if I actually can get myself to work on game development without being distracted or depressed, I’d be pretty upset if I spent all this time working on a game to have particular difficulty and mechanics only for people to complain it wasn’t tailored to their taste.

Nope. You can still be a gamer and do whatever the hell you want. Only time I’m really against cheating myself is if it’s in a multiplayer game, particularly one that requires either a lot of skill, time involvement, or both. (Racing Sims in particular annoy me when people do this).

But you can cheat all you want in SP

Hi prototypical gamer.

I like using the Kiosks..... >.>

Yes and no. I’m all for it but also remember that there’s a lot more to it than them getting money. proper management and actual unions would be nice.

The difference is a book or movie doesn’t require user interaction or input as it’s main driving force.

It’s perfect for other niche titles, like iRacing which has been around since 2008. 

I shared a ride with someone once. We both went to a parking garage in order to be dropped off so they could get picked up by their fiance and I could grab my car. She was funny. It was a weird day. (we were stuck on a train for like 20 minutes without moving and gave up)

Counter-point. I find doing fast food difficult. I don’t find doing tech support all that difficult. I get paid a lot more doing tech support difficult. I argue that food service, be it fast food or restaurant, serve people delicious nutrition that they may no longer have the energy to make themselves, and thus they

No u

PC gamers still can through libraries with friends they know personally (i actually do this with my best friend when she borrows my laptop). This takes away all ownership. Plus, requires you to live in an area with higher broadband requirements. Whatever “benefits’ this would have as far as barrier to entry is quickly

No. You’ll just have to live in a privileged area that has privileged network connectivity that doesn’t cap you constantly. And you don’t own the medium.

The issue is that the reason a low entry point is needed is for people without money, however this will still require a monthly cost + a cost for internet, which if you don’t really have money, usually sucks in areas you’re going to live or has a “cap” if you have comcast.

Wait did south park do esports? I thought they just did a WoW episode...

I was flipping burgers one time, got a message about a server issue for a game server I ran. Also included a friend asking me if he could bare my children.

Mind that the Tech Support thing is only for live chat. The reason they do this is so they can start looking up information you might need while you’re typing it to speed up the process and make it seem like you’re getting faster service. It feels like it, so it works out.

He is. He also randomly posts either a meme picture or a randomly smiley face on the iRacing forums. It’s nice.

I’ll be honest, it’s true. I play in a lot of simulation spaces, and one in particular I love has been BEGGED to release a new feature they’ve repeatedly said got pushed back because it wasn’t ready.

They got called out for not working on it. They got called out for it not being ready. People said it was a myth, the

Request a patch to bring it in line with every other version of the game rather than throw a fit like a petulant child as it could have easily been an honest mistake.

A) game developers can do what they want