
...You mean like the respect the last president got?

No, he’s right. The article is right. :/ But why are you upset?

So basically fuck anything owned by a cable company. That’s our own decision.


Gonna be frank. Coming from a white family, if it were a white kid, and they were on this same path, it would ABSOLUTELY not be an issue. If they were a kid who was from a troubled family or had any additional troubles, then they would probably have expelled him, ultimately regardless of race. Can’t have any hoodlums.

Oh look, an idiot.

While that might be true, I’d actually have to go back through the tree. Essentially, ancient groups, such as spartans, would still have utilitarian births regardless of their preferred sexual preferences.

Well at this point, they shouldn’t have even given players choice. They knew this was going to happen, that the bloodline would have to continue this way. But I will say, as a bisexual, and with my best friend too, we both really enjoy the game and fully understand it. Personally, still awesome.

Seems fine to me. Why are other men so offended by everything these days?

Well they fixed that issue as of today’s patch so... i guess not very broken anymore? Also every Bethesda game has a test room.... actually almost every game since the beginning of time did, many of which you could glitch into.

Gonna be frank, there IS a segment that does this. It actually took me by surprise but there have been groups of people that NO MATTER WHAT I SAID TO THEM, they would take offense.

The way I’ve described it in the view of world-wide politics is as follows:

Idk, I enjoy cuddling. Wouldn’t mind a good cuddle now.

Bro-dudes, most men, literally any other description would work. But I really also don’t wanna get into the “all men” thing, but this I think is an exception that issue.

I worked for them for a bit. Did not enjoy. Was in a warehouse.

You know better than this. I’m disappointed in you. 

Honestly it’s better if your internet isn’t garbage... btw.... takes me like 30-45 seconds to go in, find a game, buy it.

Oddly learned this just doing racing sims. You know what’s weird, why race drivers held their hands at 9 and 3 but we didn’t....

Except if you live outside of the city you pay an MTA tax, often more on transportation, and in general the only positive thing is that per capita the drivers don’t suck as much.

I personally don’t care to add yet another application/store to my computer. In fact, it’s a reason I don’t buy EA or other games. Bethesda is right now probably the only exception (and I enjoy FO76) so... yeah.

The obvious depression is also obvious to me. It’s kinda been a thing for a .... decade. I’ve already seen a few people but can’t right now cause I lost my job a month ago and don’t have insurance, compounding the existing depression I had.