This story, forever.
This story, forever.
More stars
Drew with The Streets reference. Good shit.
Go La Croix.
This is a bad take. Your readers/users are telling you what they like. Don’t shit on us, we keep the lights on.
This is the fucking worst. I hate videos and podcasts for content that doesn't need to be. I read at lunch. I read at home. I listen to music in the car. Bring back the text, Internet.
Looks like a fish donburi of some kind. Oh god I want it.
Hey, as a violist, I think that’s about right.
Surge Pricing, ah, Tipping.
Downshift (say 4th to 3rd, or, more likely, 3rd to 2nd), and let the engine rev down from those higher RPMs slowly by taking your foot off the accelerator AND not touching the brake. It is actually putting a force similar to braking on the driven tires, so any extra input that would ALSO apply force to them (steering,…
Starred for advice AND get up kids reference
bothered to log in JUST to star this.
As a Tacoma resident, I can assure you that as long as you aren't being a total idiot (same asterisk conditions apply, however) you aren't getting pulled. Too much real shit happening in Tacompton.
As someone with Alopecia Universalis, I can empathize, and he did it well here. Gotta have a sense of humor about it.
Oh I know. This entire thread is the most un-gawker thing that has happened recently so I figured I'd keep that rollin. The find was easy enough; I follow the sport. I still can't really believe it happened, frankly.
Given I sent deadspin the video, figured I should help people understand it beyond “that seems excessive for one instance of ‘rubbin is racin!’”
Agreed. A while back I got a little traction on Twitter trying to get him sponsored by old spice. I mean it would fit perfectly! Never went anywhere.
Figured context would help beyond “LOOGIT THEM SCRAPPIN”
English is scared of Weston Peick +1
A couple of notes for context: