
This was my opinion, too. How clever it was for the writer to have that scene be the big hint of things going in another direction for Olivia. I got tired of the romance and yelling, but that scene was quite surprising and well done. I think people are forgetting how little the experience of abortion is portrayed on

no, it doesn’t. It’s a goofy funny comedy and Ryan Reynolds got to get his crazy Jim Carey eyes going.

Every now and then, me and the old man sing “Forgiveness, is more than sayin sorry” when things get a bit tense. Then we put something metal in the microwave.

she “waded”? Like a duck or elephant or middle aged woman? No other words to use for made her way through the crowd or simply “stood.” I don’t know why that phrasing stood out to me. Still, good for her. Good for the people who are tired of being “polite” and “articulate” and for not being docile folks like some

I think after watching this film during my early college years (many times over watching this film, my mom and I bawling each time), now that I think about it, every man I fell in love with had a voice like that. None of that skinny surfer boy stuff after this, none of the nasally Southern good ole boy talk, all deep

JLo’s like I won. I won everything since 1999.

Thank you for this bit of sunshine today. Now I’ve got some new insults to hurl at unsuspecting people today.

When I watched this film the year it premiered, I saw the house as cheap, plain and basically a set. It was a Speilbergian dream of what a middle class family’s home would be like. Growing up in Florida, we didn’t have basements, attics or cellars or snow. That rendition of a “big house that everyone should want”

Yes. We only allow winners in the country after all and getting old and having health problems doesn’t fit into that plan, does it. Unless you pray and pray often and share this fact on social often, your health issues are forgiven. Compassion is not going to be trendy for a while.


and the pillow!!

LOOK AT HER SKIN! That’s from real butter.

Natty Coors!! LOL I knew that boy in high school and all he wanted to do was build pyramid cans in the pale moon light and day dream about livin’ like Kenny Chesney in the Baha Peninsula. Now I hear he’s fishin out golf balls out of the gator pond at the country club. Thanks for the much needed humor today, Bobby.

Could live on Hawaiian rolls and cranberry relish for days.

Also recommend watching them in order. Even the drug induced hazy flashback episodes make more sense that way, and it’s fun to watch the characters get slightly wackier each season. Cheers!

Good Morning Jesus and Coffee!!

So much goodness with this one.